Late Again : 11

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Kaitlyn's POV

This morning we were late again. Just because Amanda forgot to set her alarm and I forgot to set my alarm too.

Camilla and I slid into out seats in home room right as the bell rang. I sat through home room and then headed to math. When I sat down in the far back, far right seat I always sit in I noticed the bully. Sitting right next to me.

How had I not noticed him sitting there before? Now all he was doing was staring at me. I couldn't focus all through math and then almost decided to skip class because he was in phys ed. My next class. I went however and hated it. Don't get me wrong, I used to love working out before he messed my shoulder up.

Now I hate it. It not only hurts, it's annoying. The teacher is rude and calls us all fat and tells us we smell. I wear deodorant thank you very much. And I showered quickly this morning.

On my way to lunch I ran into the bully again. Camilla had asked me to refil her water bottle, so I did. She didn't give me the cap however, so I was carrying an open water bottle that was very full.

Water went everywhere. But him. My white shirt was dripping wet. I had taken my hoodie off and tied it around my waist after P.E.

"Didn't I tell you next time there would be consequences next time you bumped into me?" He asked, taking a step towards me.

I flinched and took a step back, waiting for the impact I was sure would come. When I opened my eyes he was frowning at me, confused. He shook his head and walked off. I sighed glad he was gone. I turned to walk to my locker and heard the bully.

"By the way, nice bra. Never knew the nerd was so hot." He called over his shoulder.

I glanced down and mentally slapped myself. My black bra was showing through my white shirt. Normally I would have been more careful but I didn't think I would be taking my hoodie off. I crossed my arms over my chest and speed walked to my locker. I grabbed my gym shirt and walked to the locker room only to be met with a couple making out.

Disgusted I walked to the other side of the school to use the other locker room. I changed, put my hoodie on, tossed my soaked shirt in my locker, refilled Camilla's water bottle and walked to the lunch room. I sat down at the table and handed Camilla her water bottle.

"Thanks," Camilla thanked me.

"Mhm." I replied taking a bite of my sandwhich.


At the end of the day I walked to my locker, grabbed my damp, smelly shirt and stuffed it in my backpack. Then I walked home and got a snack. As I was in my room eating my snack Natasha knocked on my door.

"Come in." I told her.

"Hey, would you mind taking Jackson on a walk?" Natasha asked.

"Sure, I can take him." I replied getting up and slipping my shoes on.

I grabbed Jackson's leash and hooked him to it before walking out the front door. I walked to the left, away from school.

Five expensive-looking cars drove past me and parked in a driveway two houses ahead. I ignored it and kept walking with Jackson.

"Hey! Are you the kid that my friend has been obsessing about?" A voice called.

I assumed the voice was talking to someone else, so I just kept walking.

"Hey! Wait!" The voice called again.

I looked up and found the bully and at least fifteen, tall, jocks standing in the driveway. All looking at me.

"Me?" I asked slowing my steps.

"Yeah, you. What did you do to have my bro obsessing about you?" He asked.

"Who's obsessing about me?" I asked feeling my face grow hot.

"My boy Roman-hey!" The guy was cut off by the bully slapping him upside the head.

"I don't know anyone named Roman." I replied, suspecting one of his friends to be named Roman.

"He told me you'd talked to him before." The guy told me.

"Sorry, I did talk to a guy the other day but I didn't get his name." I stated. 'He was pretty rude though, I don't want to know his name' I wanted to add.

"Oh, hang on a sec." The guy told me.

I raised an eyebrow as the guy talked with a couple of the other guys. While they were talking my phone rang.

"Hey, what's up?" I answered the phone.

"Kaitlyn, where are you. I need to pick you up now." A voice I had hoped to never hear again asked.

My mouth ran dry and Jackson's leash dropped to the ground. My chest hurt and I started breathing really fast. My knees were wobbly and I felt like collapsing.

"How-how did you get this number?" I stuttered.

"I have my means. Now where are you?" My Dad asked me.

I hung up and collapsed on the pavement.


Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while...

I had written three chapters to post and then the wifi went down. I didn't have all of it saved so I had to rewrite it...

Anyway, hope you liked it. Comment and vote if you did.

Have a wonderful day and stay tuned, I should be updating soon!


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