TDR Logistics Trucking Company : 31

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Grace's POV

Day 12 of Kaitlyn being missing. The police basically live here now. Mommy checks her phone every five minutes. Camilla hasn't left the couch in a while. The news channel is never changed. All we have been eating is ramen, cup o' noodles, whatever Grandma Bekka brings over and doughnuts. We always have a fresh supply of doughnuts thanks to the police living here now. Grandma and Grandpa rarly leave our house. Uncle Brett has been over a lot along with Uncle Will, Uncle Tyler, Uncle, Luke, Uncle Mason and Uncle Andrew. Mommy was kidnapped when she was Kaitlyn's age. Grandma is trying to help Mommy with it, but they cope in very different ways.

In the first ten days that Kaitlyn was missing Mommy was trying to still be productive and making phone calls to anyone she would think of. Now she is sitting in the living room on her laptop, checking her phone every five minutes and writing. If we don't send one million dollars today and clear her  Dad's name he is going to send another video. The thing my mind got stuck on though was the blinking and twitching. She was either really nervous which was understandable or she was cold. Amanda walked in the front door and dropped her bag. She came over to the couch and flopped down. After a few moments she asked:

"What are you writing about, Mommy?" Amanda had been the only one trying to keep us all hopeful aside from Daddy. It hadn't really worked.

"Life on base. This chapter is on codes and hand signals." Mommy replied, glancing up.

"Hm, cool." Amanda commented.

The room went silent again. Then something clicked.

"Do you still have to video of Kaitlyn talking?" I asked a cop urgently.

"Uh, yeah. You want to see it?" He asked.

"Yeah, put it on the tv. I'll be right back." I told him, jumping up from the couch and dashing upstairs to my room. I grabbed a notebook, pen and my laptop.  I dashed back down stairs and planted my butt in the middle of the floor wipping out my laptop and opening my notebook. The cop started playing the video as other cops came to see what was going on.

"What are you doing?" Camilla asked.

"It's just a hunch. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up." I replied as my pen flew over the paper. When the video ended the chief of police was watching.

"Cam, do you know where Kaitlyn's journal is?" I asked her.

"It's on her desk, why?" Camilla asked.

"Get it for me." I ordered.

Camilla got up and grabbed Kaitlyn's journal. I flipped through the pages until I found the entry from last Thursday. It was the key to morse code along with a game written out. I read through it quickly.

Today Grace and I came up with a game. We use morse code and blink out the letters of a sentence or phrase without the vowels and then we try to guess what the other person is saying. It's random but it's useful. Today at lunch Roman tried getting my attention. It worked but I tried not to let him know. Since me and Grace are two of the quietest people at lunch we play this game. It's fun because to everyone else it looks like we're shivering or having siesures. At one point a freshman came over to ask Grace if she was okay. Definitly the highlight my my day.

I quickly scanned over the dashes and dots in my note book and wrote down the letters. It came out to "tdrlgstcs." Which make obviously no sense. I opened google on my laptop and typed in tdrlgstcs. The results came up as TDR Logistics Trucking Company.

"It's a long shot but it's worth a try." The Chief of police spoke. He had been looking over my shoulder the entire time. He started barking orders to cops and soon most of the cops were out of the house and on their way to TDR Logistics Trucking Company.


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