Hospital : 33

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Amanda's POV

They found her. We all just piled in the cars and are driving to the hospital. They won't tell us anything about her condition over the phone. Roman came too. He is sitting in the back seat next to Camilla. I still don't trust him. Daddy is driving Mommy and Amelia. I am driving Grace, Roman and Camilla. Emily, Allison and Casey were on their way. The car ride on the way to the hospital was silent. When we got there we all rushed into the hospital and found Mommy and Daddy in the waiting room with Amelia and Emily.

"The doctors can't tell us anything for sure yet." Daddy informed us.

"Have you guys seen her?" I asked. Mommy shook her head. Everyone was silent. Twenty minutes later a doctor came out and came over to us.

"Are you Kaitlyn Cullen's foster father?" The doctor asked Daddy.

"Yes, I am." Daddy replied.

"Good. Well, the news with Kaitlyn isn't as good as we had hoped. While we were in surgery removing the bullets and cleaning the wounds she slipped into a coma. She had a bullet in her stomach and in her leg. Her biological father didn't remove the bullet before he stitched the wound up. The wound was not fully stitched up so she lost a lot of blood, not to mention her broken ribs, wrist and leg. The good news is, it will all heal in time. We cannot estimate how long she will be in a coma but with the amount of blood loss and stress her body has endured the past two weeks it isn't nesissarily a bad thing she is in a coma." The doctor reported.

Mommy started crying and that caused a chain reaction. Everyone was crying exept Roman and Daddy.

"Can we see her?" Daddy asked.

"One at a time with a police officer in the room." The doctor replied. We went in one at a time and saw her. She looked awful. Worse than how she looked in the first video. She didn't look alive. I couldn't look at her anymore so I turned away and exited her hospital room.


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Have a wonderful Sunday!


Rescued [Book 2 of Adopted]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt