Back At The Delgadas : 14

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Kaitlyn's POV

"Alright, we'll go to the respite house and then a doctor agreed to come and see you. Natasha tells me you were unconscious for an hour?" Emma asked me.

"Yeah... Also, could I get my phone number changed?" I asked.

"Why?" Emma asked, glancing back at me from the driver's seat.

"My Dad called me, I had a panic attack and passed out." I replied, remembering my chest hurting and my fast breathing.

"He what? Of course we'll get it changed for you. Until then, block his number and try to forget about it. Okay?" Emma assured me.

"Okay." I replied as we pulled into a driveway down the road. The same driveway I had pulled out of with River a little while ago.

We got out and Emma grabbed my backpack, while I grabbed my duffel bag. We walked to the front door and Emma knocked. A guy answered the door.

"Hey! You must be Kaitlyn and Emma. Come on in. I'm Alan." The guy greeted us.

We stepped inside and Emma set my backpack down. I noticed the guys in the living room staring at me. Including Roman.

"That is my younger brother and his friends." Alan told me, noticing me glance their way.

"You're room is across from Roman's. Roman is my younger brother." Alan stated leading the way.

Me and Emma followed him. When you first walked in the door the kitchen with an island was straight ahead with a sliding glass door to the left of the back wall. There was a dining room table in front of the back door and then the living room that was packed with guys at the moment. Straight ahead to the left right before you found the kitchen was a hallway. Right before the hallway was a set of stairs leading up to another hallway. There were four doors in the upstairs hallway.

"The first one on the right is the bathroom and the first one on the left is a closet. The second on the left is River's room and the second one on the right will be your room while you are here." Alan explained, opening the second door on the right.

It was simple. Straight ahead were two windows looking out to the front of the house. To the left was a white dresser and a closet with a mirror as the door. In the far left corner there was a tall lamp. To the right was a queen sized bed with gray pillows and a white comforter. There were two little black nightstands on each side of the bed, each holding a white lamp. The walls were white and empty.

I liked the room. It was simple. I liked simple.

"Is this alright?" Alan asked me.

"Yeah, this is awesome. Thank you!" I thanked him, trying to sound excited about staying with him. When in reality I was anything but. His younger brother was the kid who had bullied me a few times. Just because he had been nice to me once did not mean I liked him and just because he had a nice room for me to stay in did not mean I wanted to stay here.

Emma set my backpack down as I set my duffel bag down.

We all hung out in the kitchen until the doctor came. The guys had all moved to the kitchen and dining room to get pizza that had come so the doctor made me sit in the living room.

"Alright, I'm going to check your eyes and then I'll just ask you some questions. Okay?" The doctor asked.

"Okay." I replied.

I hated doctors. They always gave me the creeps, not to mention I had 16 teenage guys staring at me while the doctor shone lights in my eyes. It made my head hurt to the point where I thought I was  going to pass out, but I wanted to appear fine and normal so I said it didn't bother me and that it was fine.

"Alright, now would you mind taking your shirt off so I can look at the bruises and scars?" The doctor asked.

I froze. I'd rather get hit by a truck than do that.

"What about a tank top?" Emma suggested.

"That would work too. Would you mind changing into a tank top?" The doctor asked.

"I don't have a tank top." I replied, silently thanking Emma.

"I have a tank top she can use." Alan offered.

"Yes, why don't you go change into that and come back. Alright?" The doctor agreed.

"o-okay." I stuttered, getting up and following Alan.

He gave me a cut up tank top. It used to be a t-shirt till someone cut off the sleeves so it was just a little strip of cloth holding the bottom together and just the collar and shoulder hem holding it together.

I slipped my hoodie and t-shirt off before sliding the tank top on. Anyone could clearly see my bra as if I wasn't wearing a shirt. I hesitated and then exited the bathroom.

I entered the living room and felt my face grow hot.

"Good, would you mind pulling your hair up for me?" The doctor asked.

I pulled it up for him.

"Thank you." He added.

He pushed on the scar and lifted the bottom of the tank top up to check on the bruises.

"Are you still taking your pain medication?" He asked me.

"Mhm." I replied.

I drew in a sharp breath and he pushed on the scar from the knife.

"Does that hurt?" The doctor asked.

Why do you think I breathed sharply??? Do you think it's just a quirky habit or hobbie of mine??? Huh Sherlock??? HUH?!

I wanted to say that but instead I replied, "Mhm."

"Okay, now when was the last time you drank water?" The doctor asked me.

"Uh...... Last night?" I replied uncertain.

"Well for starters you need to drink water, then you should avoid all triggers that might trigger your PTSD. Loud noises, obviously your father's voice, fast movements. That type of thing. You can't avoid everything so I will talk with your foster family about getting you a service dog. I can't do much to help you with your anxiety except perscribe you some meds to take. That should be all." The doctor stated, standing and picking up his bag.

Emma went outside and talked with him for a moment and then returned without him.

"I should be going. I'll pick up your meds for you and bring them when I take you back to the Balors. Alright?" Emma asked.

"Mhm." I replied giving her a quick hug.

She left and I left to changed back into my hoodie and t-shirt.

When I entered the living room the guys were still at the island eating silently. They had been watching my check up. Just what I always wanted. A group of teenage guys watching me get pushed around by an annoying doctor. Not to mention Roman.

"So, would you like some pizza? There's plenty. And you should get some water." Alan told me.

"I'll take some water, but I ate before I came. So I'm fine." I lied.

Alan got me water as the guys went back to playing their video game. Then I told him I had homework to do so I went to my temperary room and flopped down on my bed. I ended up dozing off shortly after.


Hey guys!

4th update  today!!!

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