Rather Be : 39

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Kaitlyn's POV

I still don't remember anything. Well other than a very brief horrible memory of me walking into a living room to a bunch of teens. Roman had a girl on his lap in the short memory. I wondered what my relationship with him was like before everything. Was he just a friend? He had acted like we had been more than friends but in the brief memory I had it didn't seem like we had been more than friends. Besides, I had told myself I wasn't going to date anyone until I had moved out. I didn't want to tell anyone about that memory.

I am currently sitting in bed waiting for Amanda and Roman to get here. We are going to work on getting my memories back. From the tiny piece of memory that I have I'm not sure I want to remember everything though. Someone knocked on my door.

"Come in," I stated.

Amanda and Roman entered the room.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Amanda asked.

"Well, my eyebrows don't hurt," I replied.

"Well you're funnier than before," Amanda chuckled.

"Am I? I thought I was a comedian," I joked.

"No, I think that might have been the first joke you've ever told," Amanda replied.

"Well, what are we going to do about my memories?" I asked.

"I brought your journal, so you could read it. But if you want I could read it to you," Amanda offered.

"You read it to me, I didn't write anything too bad did I?" I offered.

"I've only read one journal entry and that was because we were trying to find out where you were," Amanda replied.

"Where did you find me anyways?" I asked.

"A trucking company's warehouse, now should I just start from the beginning of the journal?" Amanda asked me.

"That's sounds smart," I replied.

"Okay here goes..." Amanda trailed off.

"Febuary 5th 2020. The plane ride was okay, I had a panic attack on the way. Then I fell asleep for a while. I don't remember when or for how long but then Emma woke me up. We drove to the foster familie's house. It took twenty minutes and I almost fell asleep on the way there. My 'foster mom's' name is Natasha. I like that name but the woman looks way too young to have seven daughter. That means that I have seven foster sisters. Dinner was very chaotic. My 'foster dad' Nick is really nice too. They look like they are in their late twenties or mid-thirties. The oldest's name is Emily, then Allison, then Casey, then Amelia, then Amanda, then Grace and Camilla. Camilla is my age. The only ones that live at home are Amelia, Amanda, Grace and Camilla. I should probably get to bed. Otherwise I won't get any sleep. Good night, thank you God for this foster family. -Kait" Amanda read off the first entry.

"Anything?" She asked.

"Nope, could you read another?" I asked.

"Of course," Amanda replied.

"Febuary 6th 2020. I woke up at 6. I forgot that I set my stupid alarm. My bruises haven't gotten better and the scars don't look like they are going anywhere anytime soon...." Amanda trailed off.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm just skipping past your school schedule. I don't think that would trigger any memories for you," Amanda replied.

"Okay," I spoke.

"Emma got me a phone so I can contact her if I need her. It must have been expensive right? I wish she hadn't gotten it for me. Now I feel bad. Amanda has to go to school early so I went to school with Grace and Camilla. Homeroom was boring. Then I had Math, Literature, Chemistry and History. Life sucks. I sat with the girls at lunch, plus their friends. Their friends are all nice. Their names are Conner, Blake, Leo, Eva, Rose, Max and Michael. I didn't eat anything because my weight was 112 lbs. After lunch I had Science and then study hall. Then we went home. I did my homework and the girls hung out with their friends. I'm pretty sure they have boyfriends but I don't want to assume. Then Camilla surprised me and I flinched really hard. She dragged me downstairs to make cookies. Apparently there was some backstory about salt and sugar with Natasha and her friends when they were in highschool. I don't remember it because it is currently 5am. I couldn't fall asleep and I need to be up soon to go for school. Maybe I'll try to take a catnap. Goodmorning I guess -Kait." Amanda finished the second entry.

"You know you're perfect right?" Amanda spoke quietly.

"Mhm," I hummed.

"Do you guys want to take a lunch break? It's almost twelve," Roman suggested.

"Sure," Amanda replied.

"We can bring the food up here and I can read to give you a break," Roman told Amanda.

"Sounds good," she replied.

Roman left and came back with food. While me and Amanda were eating he started reading entry number three.

"Febuary 7th 2020. Today was pretty similar to yesterday. At lunch they were talking about sports and that somehow merged into babysitting. That reminded me of 'good ol' dad' and how angry had had been when he had found out I was making money on the side to support myself. He was eating dinner when he found out and stabbed my shoulder with his steak knife. Might I add that I bought that steak he was eating with my hard earned babysitting money. Apparently I had been shaking and Grace noticed. I lied and said I was cold so I went to walk around the school to clear my head (not warm up) and then I went to History. After History I had study hall. I got stuck inbetween to random guys that kept glancing at me randomly. It was creepy. Then Camilla passed me a note and we talked a little. I didn't want to go to Grace's volleyball practice and Amanda had work so I went with Camilla to her dance class. Their dance was really cool. I wish I could dance like that. Then Leo (I forgot to mention he drove Camilla to dance.) drove us to Zips and we had dinner there before going home. Nick and Natasha got home a little while after we did. Good night. -Kait."

"Anything?" Roman asked me.

"I think I remember the dance a little. But I only remember the song's name. It was Rather Be I think," I replied.

"That's great Kaitlyn! That was from a while ago, so if you can remember the name of a song you heard once in Febuary I think we will be able ot get your memories back!" Amanda exclaimed excitedly.

I chuckled a little. "Yeah, maybe," I spoke softly.

For the next hour we did that. We didn't have anymore breakthroughs but I got to learn more about the girls and their friends.


Hey guys.... *nervous laugh*

I deeply appologize for not updating in a very long time. I tried giving you guys a longer chapter so I hope you enjoyed it.

As far as I have thought ahead I am pretty sure there will be at least 10 more chapters and then this story will come to an end.

Have a wonderful day, comment and vote if you liked it!

-M <3

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