Hot Sauce In My Hair : 47

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Kaitlyn's POV

When I woke up I was in my room. Natasha and Nick were there. Just like the other time I had passed out. The other time? Wait. My memories. I had them!

"Oh, good you're up. I never knew a taco could be so dangerous," Natasha told me, handing me a glass of water.

"And beneficial, I have my memories back," I added taking a sip of the water.

"You what?! That's amazing!" Natasha exclaimed wrapping me up in a hug. She let go and Nick gave me a hug as well.

"Do you remember everything?" Nick asked.

"Well, if I didn't I wouldn't know what I was missing, would I?" I joked.

"That is true," Nick agreed, playing along.

"As far as I know there are no gaps in my memories," I replied.

"That's good, why don't we go tell Roman that he didn't kill you with a taco, shall we?" Natasha decided.

"That was Roman's taco?" I asked.

"Mhm, that's why you have hot sauce in your hair. I tried getting the majority out but it didn't completely work," Natasha replied.

We went downstairs, told everyone my memories were back and then I went and showered. When I came back down we watched The Meg and then everyone left. We cleaned up and went to bed because... Well we were tired.


Hello my jellybeans!

Double update today because the last chapter was short. We only have two more chapters after this and then the book is over! I'm sad.

Hope you liked that chapter, comment and vote if you did!

Have a wonderful day and I hope you don't get hit in the head with a taco!


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