You Called Me Hot : 40

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Kaitlyn's POV

Yesterday was interesting. All the way from reading my old journal entries to the expired jello. Today Roman and Camilla are coming to read journal entries to me. Every day it will rotate with a different person. Roman will always be in the mix because his name was the only thing I had remembered from before. Camilla and Roman come in and sat down.

"Soooo, how are you doing?" Camilla asked. It feels like a repeat of yesterday.

"I'm good," I lied. I was tired. I didn't remember sleeping last night.

"Okay, do you want me to read the first entry?" Camilla asked.

"Sure," Roman replied.

"Febuary 12th 2020. We were late to school. We all forgot to set our alarms on the one day that Natasha and Nick went to work early. I ended up missing home room and getting detention. Then after history some jerk bumped into me and acted like it was my fault. He told me to appologize and I did. Then he said something, I don't really remember what but I muttered something and he heard it. I thought he was going to hit me for saying it but he just frowned and walked off. I hope he didn't notice me flinch. Then he happened to be in Science and study hall so I was stuck with him for a while. I took a nap and then ate dinner and watched tv with the girls. I got bored so I went to see what Grace was doing because everyone else was busy, but she was busy too. Good night. -Kait. Who was the jerk that bumped into you?" Camilla asked me.

"I don't remember and I don't really care," I replied.

"Well, if you remember. Let me know so I can beat the crap out of him for making you flinch. Okay?" Camilla offered.

"Okay," I chuckled.

"Here, Roman you read the next one," Camilla passed the journal to him.

"Okay.... Uh.. Oh, this one. Febuary 13th 2020. We were late again today. I don't know how I didn't notice him before, but the jerk from yesterday sits next to me in math. I couldn't focus at all. Then I found out he was in Phys Ed and almost decided to skip. Camilla asked me to refill her water bottle but she didn't give me the cap. Then I ran into that jerk again and spilled the water all over myself. I spilled water on me the one day that I decided to wear a white t-shirt. To make it worse I was wearing a black....." Roman trailed off.

"Are you sure you want me to read this?" He asked.

"It can't be that bad, go ahead," I replied.

"Are you sure?" Roman asked.

"Yes! It's not like I remember it anyway so I can't even be that embarassed about whatever it is," I told him.

"Okay... Um... To make it worse I was wearing a black bra and then called me hot. I wanted to slap him but my brain was fried. Guys do that to my head. I don't like it, but it happens. Then after school I took Jackson on a walk. Then the jerk and his friends decided to talk to me. I don't know why. Apparently one of them likes me. I don't know why one of them would like me, and I don't care why one of them likes me. It's stupid. Then 'good ol' dad' called and I passed out. When I woke up I was on the bullie's couch. My phone died, so I couldn't call Amanda. He ended up driving me home. Then I ended up going back to the jerk's house because his older brother had a foster license. Since 'good ol' dad' had been bailed out of prison they sent me to a respite house which just happened to be the jerk's house. I also found out that the jerk's name is...." Roman trailed off.

"What? What's wrong?" Camilla asked, peeking over his shoulder. She froze.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You have to tell her," Camilla whispered.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"She needs to have those memories, Roman," Camilla added.

"What memories?" I asked. Camilla took the journal from Roman. Raising an eyebrow at him before opening her mouth.

"I also found out what the jerk's name is, Roman Delgada. And I'm stuck with him for a week. How fun. Goodnight. -Kait." Camilla finished.

At first I was stunned, then I laughed.

"You called me hot," I laughed.

"You're not mad?" Roman asked surprised.

"Why would I be? I don't care. And by the way that you're acting now, you didn't mean the mean stuff you would have said to make me flinch on the day before this entry," I told him.

"Really? Cause I never really appologized for it. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I don't remember why I did it either," Roman appologized.

"It's fine, I don't care," I insisted.

"Really?" Roman asked.

"Yes really. I forgive you Roman, you're totally okay," I told him.

"Okay, thanks," Roman thanked me.

"Anytime, now read the next entry," I ordered him. Camilla passed him the journal and he started reading. He read one more entry and then we ate lunch, we never ended up getting back to the journal thought so we would continue it tomorrow.


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