Not So Bad : 15

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Kaitlyn's POV

I woke up to nothing. Not the normal knock on my door, telling me I needed to get ready for school. Just.... Nothing. I looked around the room and realized I wasn't in my room. My chest was hit with a sharp pain and then I remembered. I was at the bully's house. Roman.. I think. Whenever I woke up my memory of the past day was foggy for a few hours.

I wished I could go home. In the little time I had been at the Balors I had grown attatched to the place. I would go home to Jackson. He'd jump up on me and Natasha would scold him. We'd eat dinner together or not at all. Saying goodnight wasn't just saying goodnight. It was a sort of ritual. I'd say goodnight to Nick and Natasha, give them each a hug and then say goodnight to the girls. On my way to bed I'd say goodnight to Jackson and tell him, "sleep well, sweet dreams. Love you."

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in." I answered it.

Alan cracked the door open. "Breakfast is ready, you need to leave in thirty minutes. Rome will take you to school." Alan stated.

"I always walk to school. I'll be fine." I protested.

"How about you choose whether or not you want a ride or you want to walk on the other days but give me peace of mind today knowing you won't get hit by a car on day one." Alan offered.

"Okay, thank you." I replied.

"Good, now make sure you're ready in twenty minutes." Alan reminded me, exititing the room.

I grabbed black leggings, a long dark gray t-shirt and a black hoodie. Then I showered, changed, put a little makeup on so I didn't look dead and grabbed my school stuff. I descended the stairs and was greeted with the smell of bacon, eggs and something I couldn't place my finger on. When I saw the kitchen it clicked. Muffins. Not homemade obviously. They looked liked like Costco muffins.

"Hey, we're leaving in seven minutes. Might want to eat fast." A husky voice spoke from the couch.

I jumped and found Roman sprawled over the whole couch.

"Jumpy much?" He asked smirking.

I frowned. "I'm not jumpy." I protested quietly. I bit my lip and grabbed a muffin.

Normally I didn't eat breakfast but when there were lemon-poppy seed muffins from Costco I was definatly eating breakfast. I ate my muffin, selfconciously. Roman was staring at me the whole time. Creepy. Once I finished my muffin it was time to go. I said bye to Alan who had come down a few moments earlier and got in Roman's car. We drove in silence to school and once we were there we parted ways. I sat at my usual spot as Camilla came in.

"Hey! How was staying at the Delgada's?" Camilla asked me.

"Meh, nothing different from staying at your house but they had muffins." I replied.

"Are you ditching us for a dimbo with muffins?!" Camilla exclaimed clutching her heart and looking offended.

"Nope! I missed you guys and Jackson." I replied.

The morning passed quickly. I tossed my backpack in my locker and went to lunch with the girls. After all my classes were finished I went out the back doors of the school to walk back to Roman's house when I bumped into the devil himself.

"Hey, Alan told me to drive you home today but I have football practice so you're stuck here for an hour or two." He informed me.

"Can I ask one of the girls to take me back to your house?" I asked.

"If they're still here to drive you." Roman agreed.

"Okay, I'm going to text them." I stated, pulling out my phone and texting Amanda.

Me: are you still at school?

Amanda: no i had to leave for work...

Amanda: why?

Me: nvm i was just wondering if you could drive me back to Roman's house. Have fun at work!

Amanda: kay, sry i cant drive you :'(

Amanda: Roman sucks

I chuckled at her last text. Roman raised an eyebrow and peeked over my shoulder at my phone. I pressed my phone to my chest so he couldn't see.

"She can't drive me. Can I please pretty pretty please with a cherry on top walk?" I begged.

"Hmm... Let me think about that for a moment... No." Roman replied.

"Roman! Please? You're stuck with me for a week. I'll annoy you for the rest of my time at your house if you don't let me walk..." I tried convincing him.

"No." Roman replied.

"You're going to be late to practice." I pointed out, pointing to the clock on the school wall.

"Fine." Roman sighed.

"I'll drive you home now. Deal? No annoying me for the rest of the time you're here. Okay?" Roman nagotiated.

"No! I don't want you to be late. Go to practice! I'll just walk." I protested.

"No, I am not letting you walk. If you don't follow me and plant your butt on the bleachers or in my car I am calling Al." Roman threatened.

I frowned. "So I can mess around in your car while you toss around a piece of leather?" I teased.

"Technically it's cowhide leather and no you are not messing around in my car. I was offering to either drive you home or have you wait till practice is over." Roman replied.


"No girls on the field. You know my rule." Coach growled.

I shrunk into my imaginary shell and bit my lower lip.

"Coach, I have to. Alan doesn't want her walking home by herself and she is my temporary sister so I kind of have to be nice to her." Roman explained.

Have to be nice to me? Really Roman? Really? You couldn't just be a decent human being and be nice eighty percent of the time?

"Well by the look she is giving you and you 'having' to be nice to her I want her on the field. Might make your game better if you hate her so much." Coach smirked.

I didn't realize I had been scowling at Roman.

"What do you mean make my game better?" Roman protested.

This boy had a death wish.

"If a guy plays and has a girl on the field that he likes it either makes him nervous and makes him mess up or he is a lot better. If a guy has a girl on the field that he doesn't like he generally wants to show her up and make himself look good." Coach explained.

"Come on kid. You can sit by me." Coach told me ushering me outside as Roman scowled. I stuck my tongue out at him over my shoulder. This was going to be fun.

I sat on the bench as the team did pushups and jumping jacks and other stuff I don't know what it was called. Then they played a scrimage game. I watched and was mildly interested. By the time it was over it was 5:15. Roman drove me home and made dinner because Alan was out late at work. Then we watched a movie and I went to bed.

Maybe Roman Delgada wasn't a horrible person after all.....



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have a wonderful day!


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