Missing : 28

38 8 0

Roman's POV

When I got home Alan told me I had just missed her. By 'her' he meant Kaitlyn. She had left. Back to the Balor's. She was probably now going to avoid me like the plaige. I couldn't blame her. I had made out with a random girl in front of Kaitlyn.


The rest of the week was boring. Kaitlyn didn't give me any chances to bug her. The Balor girls hadn't come back to school yet and Kaitlyn had managed to avoid being around me alone, so I couldn't talk to her.

Today was Sunday. I had just gotten back from a run when my phone rang. The caller ID read Amanda. I clicked accept.

"What do you want?" I asked Amand through the phone.

"Do you know where Kaitlyn is? She's missing."

"Woah, back up. Missing? When was the last time you saw her?" I asked.

"Saturday morning. Then she went on a run around 10:30 and never came back. The police are looking for her, cause she's technically "their property" in the social worker's words. We're really worried and you are kind of close with her. Right?" Amanda asked.

"Sure... Um, does Alan know about this?" I asked her.

"I think so. Emma-the social worker-called him after she called the police to file a missing person report." Amanda replied.

"Is there anyone who might want to hurt her?" I asked.

"The girls and I found out today that her abusive Dad got bailed out of jail a little over a week ago. Apparently my Mom and Dad knew but we didn't till today." Amanda told me.

My blood ran cold. That is why she flinched? That is why yelling made her panic? Was she actually cold that night or was she dreaming about him? Why hadn't she told anyone? Did she know he had been bailed out of jail?

"Roman? You still there?" Amand asked.

"Yea-yeah, I'm still here. I'm coming over." I replied.

"No, you can't. I wasn't supposed to tell you but I knew you spent some time with her and I just wondered if you had seen her or heard about anything?" Amanda asked.

"I haven't sorry. Just because I can't come see you and talk in person doesn't mean I'm not going to look for her." I stated.

"Fine. But don't get me in trouble. I'm not going to school till she is found." Amanda stated.

"K, bye." I told her.

Then I hung up.

I went and showered, trying to cool off and understand everything. How bad did her Dad hurt her? Was it fiscal or mental abuse? Most likely fiscal considering her flinching. Probably mental too.

****. I should have been there for her. Instead I was making out with girls and still expecting her to hang out with me. Not to mention the almost-kiss.


Hey guys!

How are you?

Where do you think Kaitlyn is?

Do you think she ran away or did something happen to her?

Hope you enjoyed it, comment and vote if you did!

Have a wonderful day!


Rescued [Book 2 of Adopted]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant