Delgada : 13

48 9 1

Kaitlyn's POV

I froze when I saw him. The bully. I was-laying down on a couch? What had happened?

"Hey, are you okay?" The guy that I vaguely remember asked me.

"Uh... I don't know. How did I get here and who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Seth and we carried you in. Well, Roman carried you in while we restrained your dog from killing us. You collapsed on the street." The guy replied.

Then I remembered. The phone call. I felt my chest start hurting and I began breathing very fast again.

"Hey, calm down. Do you want us to drive you home?" Seth asked me.

I glanced at Roman. "How long have I been unconscious?" I asked.

"Uh..... Around an hour?" Seth replied.

"An hour?!" I exclaimed sitting up straight suddenly.

My head spun and I regretted sitting up. I slouched on the couch.

"Where is Jackson?" I asked.

"Present." A random guy sitting in a corner playing a video game stated raising his hand and glancing at me.

"No, the dog." I corrected myself.

"Oh, he's out back. We let him in for a while but then he tried eating us again." Seth replied.

"We can go get him and then drive you home if you want?" Seth offered, turning away from me to what I assumed was the back door.

"I can walk. My house isn't far." I replied getting up to follow him.

I swayed on my feet as I saw black spots. I felt strong muscl-y arms catch me and sit me back down on the couch. My eyes were opened but I couldn't see. When I had my last doctor's appointment before being taken in by the Balors, the doctor had told me that that happened because I was dehidrated and I was deficiant in iron and that my blood pressure is low.

"I'm driving you home." Roman's voice told me as my vision cleared.

"It's fine. I can walk." I told him standing up. He pushed me back down gently.

"I'm driving you. You can't even stand up straight." He stated.

"I'm fine. I can walk." I stated slower so he could get what I was saying.

"I don't care. I'm driving you." Roman stated sternly, shooting me a glare.

"If you don't want me to walk I'll call my friend." I shot back standing suddenly and reaching into my back pocket to grab my phone.

My phone wasn't there. Did he take it? Had they done something to me while I was asleep? How was I going to get home without him driving me home?

"Where is my phone?" I asked, as Roman gently pushed me back down.

"On the counter." Roman replied, getting up and grabbing it from the counter.

I took it from him and tried to turn it on.

"It's dead. I tried turning it on to find someone to call when you wouldn't wake up but I couldn't get past the password." Roman told me.

I sighed. There was no way I was getting home safely. My safest option was getting a ride from him. Even though he was a bully.

"Fine. You can drive me." I relented.

"Good, Seth is getting your dog and then we'll go." Roman stated.

Just then we heard a yell and a bark.

Jackson tore into the house mud and all. He saw me awake and bounded over to me.

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