Nightmare : 24

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Kaitlyn's POV


I was back home. Not at the Balor's. At 'good old Dad's' house. The sound of a door slamming reached my ears and I paniced. I was in my bedroom. I didn't have a closet, I had a dresser. There was no space under my bed to hide and my window had a screen that would take me a while to take down. I heard footsteps on the stairs.

There wasn't any time to run to another room now. My door busted open and there was my Dad. Dad's are normally supposed to make their daughters feel safe. They aren't supposed to make daughters think they need to hide.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Dad shouted at me.

I whimpered and scooted back on my carpet. Suddenly a scent filled the room. I was a comforting scent and then Roman was there. Dad ran out of the room and the nightmare dissolved into the japanese gardens. Roman was in front of me. Just standing there. He wasn't leaning down or backing away. Just seeing him was comforting. I didn't know why. But it was.



Hey guys!

Sorry this chapter is short.

I will try to get in another chapter before the day is over.

Thanks for reading, have a wonderful day, comment and vote if you liked it!!


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