Brinner : 16

43 9 0

Roman's POV

I dragged myself out of bed and knocked on Kaitlyn's door. We had fifteen minutes before we had to leave for school.

"Hm?" I heard Kaitlyn's voice mumble through the door.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"Mhm." I heard her mumble.

I opened the door to find her sitting on the edge of her bed. Her hair was messy-but a cute messy-her eyes were bloodshot and there were dark circles under her eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Mhm. What's up?" She asked.

"We need to leave in fifteen minutes... But I can call Alan if you aren't feeling well." I offered.

"No, I'm fine. I'll be ready in five minutes." She told me, standing and walking over to her backpack.

I watched as she pulled out a pair of black leggings and a dark green hoodie.

"Go away, I need to change." She mumbled, eyes half open.

"Yes Ma'am." I saluted her and exited her room, pulling the door shut behind me.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed two muffins from yesterday before grabbing my homework and stuffing it in my bag. Kaitlyn came down ten minutes later. Her eyes were still bloodshot and she still had dark rings under her eyes but her hair was brushed and she was dressed. Dispite her eyes being bloodshot and the dark rings under her eyes she looked great. I frowned at myself and handed her a muffin.

"Let's go." I told her, picking up my bag and scooping my keys off the island.

She nodded slowly and followed me out the door.

We got in the car and drove to school. When we  arrived I glanced over and found her asleep. Only she could fall asleep in two minutes.

I shook her shoulder a little and she stirred. She blinked a couple times and looked around confused before her eyes found mine.

"We're at school. We need to go." I told her.

"Okay." Kaitlyn murmured. She sighed and slowly unbuckled herself, grabbed her backpack and exited my car.

I followed and we parted ways. At lunch I was going to ask her if she was okay, because she didn't seem okay this morning but I  saw her sit with the Balor girls and didn't want to interrupt. After school she didn't put up a fight with sitting on the bleachers and waiting till practice was over. Which was not a good sign. I drove us home and made waffles and eggs. We ate brinner-Alan called it brinner when we ate breakfast food for dinner which we did quite a lot of-and watched a show she liked called "Phineas and Ferb". When I glanced at her to ask if she wanted to do another episode, I found her sleep. I grabbed a blanket and tucked her in. Then I played another episode of Phineas and Ferb. She woke up when Alan came home and went to her bed. Not gonna lie, I was kind of dissapointed.



Sorry if this chapter is short. It's currently 2:21 where I am and I don't feel like adding dialogue into the ending.

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Have a wonderful night!


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