Two Videos : 29

41 7 2

Amanda's POV

Day 10 of Kaitlyn being missing. The police had no leads. I had no leads. I had missed at least five tests but I didn't really care. Right now we were all kind of numb. Camilla was crying constantly. Grace had broken at least five things by now in the workout room. I had been distracting myself with picking up extra shifts at work. Mommy has been at the dining room table with her laptop and on the phone. Daddy has been working and trying to keep us from going numb. Emma was always at our house and so were the police. Jackson hadn't moved from his spot by her bed since Monday.

Everyone was taking it pretty hard. I had just gotten home from work and plopped down on the couch, grabbing the remote. I switched on the TV. I wanted to watch a baking show but the news caught my eye.

Kaitlyn's picture was on the news. Then a video started playing and a phone rang. The phone belonged to a police officer. The video was of Kaitlyn. Her face was barely recognizable. Her lip was busted open. There was a big fat bruise on her left cheek and she had a black eye. On her right cheek there was a long cut from her cheek bone to her jaw. Her hair was greasy and she was really thin. Her sweatshirt was stained with blood and it was bigger on her that it normally would have been. She was shaking and doing her best to stand.

"He-he has a gun. He wants his name cleared and one million dollars before Wednesday night. Otherwise he will send another video like the one he sent before and then then videos will keep coming until his name is cleared and until he has his money." Kaitlyn spoke slowly.

She was blinking a lot and twitching too. She didn't look good. Then the news lady came back on the screen.

"That was Kaitlyn Cullen. That video was sent twenty minutes ago along with another video that is too graphic to be shown on the news. The second video was of Kaitlyn Cullen's father Mark Cullen beating her, relentlessly. We will now take a short break and when we return we-"

I tuned out the TV and glanced at Mommy. She was sobbing at the dining room table. Grace broke a lamp and Camilla ran to her room. Dad started crying while consoling Mommy. I had never seen Daddy cry before. There's a first for everything I guess.


Hey guys!

Well, now you know.

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