First Day of School : 2

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Kaitlyn's POV

My alarm woke me up at 6:00am.

I rolled out of bed and slipped my hoodie on. Then I grabbed my black ripped jeans, white t-shirt, light gray cardigan sweater, black socks and white converse.

I went to the bathroom, showered, braided my hair, put the ointment for my bruises and got dressed. Then I went back to my room, tossed my pajamas in the laundry bin and grabbed my ratty green backpack.

Last night Natasha had given me my school books and my school schedule:

Lake Side High School
Kaitlyn Cullen

7:00-Home Room







2:00-Study Hall

7:00-Home Room


9:00-Physical Education





2:00-Study Hall

7:00-Home Room







2:00-Study Hall

7:00-Home Room


9:00-Physical Education





2:00-Study Hall

7:00-Home Room







2:00-Study Hall

I grabbed the little box that had been in my duffel bag and opened it. There was a phone it in and a small card.

The card read:
"I know you are going to say I am giving you too much, but you need a way to contact me without relying on the Whitlocks. Call me if you need anything or if you just want to talk. I told Natasha that I gave you this so she knows. Take care of it and take care of yourself.

I grabbed the phone and slipped it into my pocket before slipping my shoes on and heading downstairs at 6:30. Grace was already downstairs making her breakfast.

"Good morning." She said turning around with a spatula in her hand.

"Hi." I said.

We talked and she told me that Amanda had to go early to school so she would be driving me. Camilla would drive herself.

Camilla came downstairs a few moments later and we left for school. We arrived and Grace showed me to way to home room. Then she left to get to her class.

At lunch time I sat with Camilla, Grace and Amanda, plus their friends. Their friend's names were Conner, Blake, Leo, Eva, Rose, Max and Michael.

"Guys, this is our foster sister, Kaitlyn." Amanda told the table.

Everyone said hi in their own way. Then they all got up to get food. I stayed there and just picked at a piece of dried skin on my hand. They came back and talked so much they barely ate anything.

We went back to class and then went home. I did my homework and then the girls invited their friends over along with their boyfriends.

I was up in my bedroom reading when someone tapped my shoulder, I flinched really hard and turned quickly to find Camilla.

"Just me, and I was just coming to invite you to bake cookies with us and our friends. We have absolutely no idea what we are doing but it could be fun." She offered.

"Yeah, sure." I said, putting my bookmark in place and following her downstairs.

All the same people from lunch were there.

Natasha came home at that moment and did a once over. "Don't burn down the kitchen and remember the stuff in the fancy glass container is salt. Not sugar. That sugar is below the far left cupboard." She told us heading to her room.

"Mom and her friends made cookies once when she was our and and mixed up the salt and sugar." Grace explained to me.

"Ah." I said.

After two hours we finished baking the cookies and then went downstairs to the movie room. We watched Mega Mind and then they had to go. We had dinner together with Nick and Natasha and then went to bed.


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