Roman Delgada Strikes Again : 37

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Amanda's POV

She doesn't remember us. I went to the bathroom in the hospital and cried. She doesn't remember anything about us. She doesn't know our names. She doesn't remember the few good times we have had. I'm glad she doesn't remember the bad times. I don't want her to be in pain. But she is and I can't help it. I drive Camilla home and grab some of Kaitlyn's stuff from around her room before driving to the rehabilitation center. We set stuff up around the room and then Mommy wheels Kaitlyn in. Kaitlyn is stuck in a wheelchair. We all get situated around the room and then start talking.

"Do you remember anything?" Camilla asked.

"Cam!" I whispered harshly.

Kaitlyn paused and then answered.

"Yeah actually. I remember a name. Roman. Do you know anyone named Roman?" Kaitlyn asked.

I feel my eyes well up and I get up.

"I'm going to go check my contacts on my phone," I lie, rushing out of the room.

She remembers Roman but not me? I know it's selfish but I'm supposed to be her older sister. She remembers the playboy bully but not me. Wow. Fun. I decide to call Roman anyway. He was worried too and I told him I'd call him if I had any news. The phone rings for a moment and then he picks up.

"Amanda? What's going on? Is Kaitlyn okay? Where are you?" Roman fires questions at me.

"Kaitlyn is awake, she has amnesia but she remembers your name," I shut him up.

There is a long pause and then.

"Can I see her?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll send you the address." I replied.

"Thank you so so much Amanda. You have no idea how much this means to me," Roman thanked me.

"Mhm, I gotta go. I'll tell her you're on your way," I told him.

"Okay, thank you. Bye," he says.

"Bye," I reply.

I hang up the phone, dry my tears and enter the room again.

"I called him. He is on his way." I say as I send him the address.

"Oh, okay," Kaitlyn says.


Hey guys!

I made up for it, now there are two new chapters up after I took down the other two.

Have a wonderful day, comment and vote if you liked them!


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