Chapter 1

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I sat in the waiting room of the Therapy center. My Lillian aka "My Mom that adopted me" dropped me off early today. I checked the time on my phone. I still had like 20 minutes left. A guy walked in he was tall at least taller then me he looked at least 6 "0"ft he had dark brown hair that looked black and blue eyes. He looked nervous he went and sat in the seat right beside me. I wanted to say something but I didn't know what to say. So I sat in silence for a while. I looked over at him. His hands were shaking on his knees.
"Um are you okay?" I asked
"Uh yeah. I'm fine." He said looking at the ground.
"So are you new here. I've never seen you here before." Wait why did I say that I probably sound like a stalker.
"Actually yeah I um just started coming here. My mom recommended it."
"Oh do you know what Therapist your seeing?" I asked him.
"He's my therapist he's really nice and kind. I'm sure he can help you with whatever problem you have." I said trying to cheer him up. He looked so nervous.
"Hope so." He said still looking down at the ground. He wouldn't even make eye contact with me.
"Mia?" Dr.Barnes stepped out into the waiting room.
"Coming. " I got up and walked into the office.
"See ya." I said to the boy. He slightly waved.

"So I understand it's been 2 years since you've self harmed.
"Yeah." I started self harming when I was 13 and now I'm 16.
"Well that's good. Do you ever have urges to self harm?"
"Sometimes but I've gotten over it."
"Great. See these sessions are really paying off." He said with a cheesy smile.
"Yeah." I grinned back but it wasn't a real smile.

When therapy was over I tested Lillian to come pick me up. She said she might be awhile. Great now I have to wait outside. It started to rain a little bit. Even better. Note my sarcasm. I saw the boy that I talked to earlier come out of the building.
"Do you need a ride?" He asked. It was the first time he actually looked me in the face since we talked this morning. Wow he had amazing eyes, they were bueatiful. I realized I was staring at him for too long. I snapped back to reality.
"Um sure." I said. I followed him to his car. And got in. It was nice and the seats were leather and it was really clean. I told him my address and he drove.
"You never told me your name." I said trying to make small talk. The silence was awkward.
"Nash. Nash Grier." He said staring straight at the road.
"Oh I'm Mis. Mia Rogers." I said sorta mocking. To make him laugh. He just still stared at the road not laughing or anything.
"So um do you go to the Highschool here."
"No I'm in a private school."
"My brother does. He's only a freshman but you might know him."
"What's his name."
"I've heard of em."
"Well he is the quarterback of the Varsity football team."
"Wow he must be really good."
"He's freakin awesome. How old are you anyways.?" He asked.
"16. But I'll be 17 in May so in 2 months."
"Happy early Birthday." He said
When we got to my house. I got out of the car.
"Thanks for the ride." I said.
"No problem. And I uh want to thank you too. For talking to me this morning I was really nervous and stuff and well you kinda made me feel better."
"Your welcome." I said smiling.
"See ya around." He said pulling out of the driveway. I got home and Lillian made spaghetti. Harvey (Dad that adopted me.) Got home later that night I forgot that he had to work late now. At the dinner table I told Lillian how Nash was new to the Therapy center and how he gave me a ride home. She was smiling the whole time. Probably because I usually don't talk to or talk about boys at all.

I took a shower, put on my pajamas and laid in bed. I turnt on Ed Sheeran music on Pandora. I loved his voice it always put me to sleep because it's so soft and soothing. Eventually I fell asleep.

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