Chapter 42

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I stayed at Nash's house for the rest of the day until it was night.
"Hey Nash."
"Yeah?" He asked me.
"You know what I really wanna do?"
"Go back to the lake and look at the stars." I said.
"You know what tomorrow we can do that." He said.
"Yes I promise."
"Okay good because I love it there." I said.
"Yeah me too."
"I'm so happy I get to spend time with you again." I said.
He smiled and kissed me on the cheek.
"I am too."
"Well it's getting late." I said "I should probably get going." I got up.
"Bye babe." He said giving me a kiss on the lips.
"Were gonna make up for those 2 months okay?"He said. As I was walking out the door.
"Okay." I smiled. I got in the car and sat for a minute. Thinking just thinking about Nash.

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