Chapter 10

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After school I skipped therapy. I went straight home so I could get ready for Nash coming over. I helped Lillian cook dinner we made pasta. Which was one of my favorites. As I was getting ready I looked at myself in the mirror. I never thought I was pretty, I guess I was decent or what most guys say "okay" but defiantly not beautiful. With my dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, and my wierd short stuby nose. I put on some skinny jeans and a Chevron white and mint blue shirt with ruffles and nude color flats. I braided my hair into a waterfall braid. Which wasn't easy. I put on some makeup and went downstairs to wait for Nash.
"Well you look nice." Said Harvey turning his glance from the television."Is this all for that boy coming over.?"He asked suspiciously
"No,he's just a friend." I said
"Alright let's keep it that way." He said grinning.
"Harv." Said Lillian smacking him with a dish towel. "Nash is a good friend and is very nice to Mia, try not to intemidiate him."
"Okay,Okay." He said throwing his hands as if he were surrendering.
"I won't mess with him."
I laughed it was good to know I had parents who cared. But I hope they,don't embarrass me or anything.
The door bell rang. I ran to answer the door. I opened the door Nash stood there he held a bouquet of red and pink tulips. He was wearing khaki pants and a navy blue and white stripped polo shirt.
"Hey." He said he looked down at the flowers. "These are for your Mom." He said with a smile.
"Come in." I said opening up the door all the way. We walked into the living room.
"Lillian, Harvey this is Nash." I said introducing them to each other.
"Hi Mr. and Mrs.Rogers." he said shaking there hands. "These are for you." He said handing Lillian the flowers.
"Oh how sweet." She said with a smile. "Thankyou."
"Your welcome." He said
"You didn't get any for me.?" Harvey said
"Um I'm,sorry sir.I-"
"I'm just play in with ya son." He said slapping Nash on the back. "Now let's go eat." He said
I looked over at Nash he looked relieved that Harvey was joking.

After we ate Lillian and Harvey when in the living room. Nash and I volunteered to clean up. I washed the dishes and Nash dried them.
"Your Mom is an awsome cook." He said while wiping off a plate.
"Yeah ya know I helped cook."
"Really? Well I didn't know you could cook." He said
"Well ya do know." I said handing him a dish.
"I guess I do your pretty good then." He said laughing.

After we did the dishes I had to take the trash out.
"Nash I'm gonna take the trash out real quick."I said grabbing the big bag. I struggled to pick it up and carry it.
"Here let me do it." He said helping me pull it up. He carried it outside and I followed.
While we were walking out I tripped over a rock because it was dark and I couldn't see.
"Are you okay.?" Nash asked helping me up. My ankle hurt. I probably sprang it.
"Yeah." I said he helped me up but my ankle hurt.
"Ow." I moaned.
"Okay you can't walk." Nash said. "I'm carrying you back to the house." He said reaching over to pick me up.
"Nash it's okay I can make it."
"No you'll hurt yourself even more." He said. He bent down and I climbed onto his back.
"Hang on." He said starting to walk.
"Okay just be careful." I said hanging onto his neck.
"Your choking me."
"Oh I'm sorry." I said loosening my grip around him.
"I'm just kidding your fine." He said laughing.
"Oh okay." I said I held onto him.
When we got into the house He helped me sit down onto the couch.
"Are you gonna be okay?" He asked.
"Yeah it's probably just a sprang." I felt a sharp pain in my ankle.
"Ow!" I cried.
"Mia. I think your ankles swelling do you want me to get some ice.?" He asked looking down at my ankle
"Yeah there should be an ice pack in the freezer." I said pointing to the kitchen.
He walked into the kitchen then he came back with an ice pack. He pressed it against my ankle and held it there.
"I can hold it." I said. My ankle kept aching with pain.
"Do you need anything?" He asked
"No you can go home now if you want." I said.
"Are you sure you'll be okay?" He asked again.
"Yes. Nash I'll be fine."
"Okay then. I'll see you tomorrow I guess." He said walking to the door.
"Goodnight Mia." He said almost to the door. I got a feeling in chest. I don't want him to leave I actually wanted him to stay.
"Nash will you stay?" I asked.
He turned to face me and nodded his head yes. He came and sat beside me on the couch. I turned on Netflix and clicked on Teen Wolf.
"Teen Wolf. Really?" Nash said moaning
"Um yes really this is the best show ever."
"Um yeah if your a drama obsessed teenage girl who love to see shirtless guys." He said complaining.
"Um this show is so much more than that." I said.
He laughed. "I'm tired anyway." He said he stretched his arms out. One landing over my shoulder.
"Night." He said yawning and laying his head back.
I watched 3 episodes of Teen Wolf until I fell asleep.

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