Chapter 7

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"Um I'll have the chicken fedichini" I said.
"I'll have the same thing." Said Nash
"Your ordering the same thing?" I asked him.
"Don't worry I trust your taste buds." He said.
"Okay then." I laughed.
"So um do you really wanna know why I go to a private school?" He asked in a nervous voice.
"Nash you don't have to tell me if you don't want too." I said
"Its okay, this will answer 2 of your questions." He said he must be referring to that time in the car.
"So I'm vine famous."
"Wait what's vine?" I asked I've heard off the app but I never downloaded it.
"Its an app where you post 6second videos of yourself or anything else." He said. "Hayes and I got the app and started making videos and posting them, people loved them I even made some with Sky and people loved them even more, I started getting tons of followers like I mean tons, then I got a call from a guy who ran a meet and greet convention were fans could go meet their favorite Viners and youtubers. My parents agreed to letting Hayes and I go, we joined 8 other hilarious guys, and that where I met my bestfriend Cameron. We had so,much fun meeting fans and me and those 8 other guys formed a bond we were like a family. And then all,of a sudden everything fell apart."
He was getting teary eyed and I felt really bad.
"We started to have a lot of management problems and stuff, and all the guys agreed it be best if we all went our separate ways. After that it was horrible our fans were sad and mad. And now there turning on each other Cameron's fans will comment mean things on my photos and some of my fans will comment mean things on his photos and it's the same for all the other guys. But I get so much hate now it's really hard to deal with. Not only online it was at school to t was getting so bad my mom had to put me in private school."
"Why isn't Hayes In private school to then?" I asked
"I was the one who made the news public everyone hated me for it but I wanted to be the one to tell everyone what really happened, my fans they support me but I feel like I have way,more haters. I used to be able to ignore it but it gets really hard now. Its crazy to see how people can be so cruel."
I know exactly how he feels and yeah it really sucks to see how cruel people can be. It can ruin someone's life.
"Anyway." He continued "my mom thought it would be good if I went to see a therapist so yeah."
"Wow I feel so bad, I promise I will always be here to support you." I said.
"Thanks." He said looking at me with those amazing blue eyes.

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