Chapter 4

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Nash walked with me into the Therapy center. We walked up to the front desk.
"Hello Mia." Said the receptionist. "Dr.Barnes is waiting for you in his office."
"Umm I don't think you scheduled an appointment." She said looking over at Nash.
"Oh I didn't." He said "I'm just waiting for her." He said nodding over to me.
"Okay then just have a seat in the waiting area." She said.
"I'll see you when you come out." He said to me.
"Okay." I said

"So let's talk about your nightmares. Are you still having those?" Dr.Barnes asked.
"Yes." I said while fiddling with a string on the end of my shirt. "Every night, and they just seem to get worse."
"I want you to do something Mia before you go to bed try your very best to think about something other than your past life."
"Like what?" I asked.
"Anything. And if that doesn't work I want you too read a book or magazine before you go to bed to soothe your mind."
"I listen to music before I go to bed."
"Well try reading something okay."
"Okay I'll try."

When the session was over I walked out to see Nash I the waiting room. He was asleep with his cheek resting in his hand, his mouth was open and you could hear him lightly snoring. I laughed and he woke up.
"What? Oh hey is your appointment over?" He asked completely clueless that he was just knocked out.
"Yes and you were just asleep with your mouth open." I giggled.
He mocked me pretending to giggle like me.
"Nobody hears about that. Got it.?" He said trying to sound threating.
I just laughed even more. He ended up laughing too.

He drove me home. When we pulled into my driveway he gave me his number and I gave him mine.
"If you ever need a ride again just call me." He said as I was getting out of the car.
"Okay. Thanks."
"Bye Mia."
"Bye Nash." He waited til I got into the house then he pulled off.
"Hey honey who was that?" I looked over to Lillian she was looking out of the window.
"Oh that was Nash." I said
"Oh so it's the boy who drive you home yesterday."
"Yeah he even took me to Therapy today and waited for me." I said trying not to grin
"Really, well seems like he likes you." She said with a grin. I just smiled maybe he does maybe he doesn't.

What brought us together[n.g]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ