Chapter 30

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"Mia wait!" I herd Nash yell. But I didn't wait. I ran and ran til I couldn't run anymore. I didn't even know where I was going I just had to get away. He knows what he's doing he was trying to get back at me for Aaron. I stopped by a lamp post to catch my breath I was so tired.
"Mia." I turned to see Nash.
"Nash go away and leave me alone." I said harshly
"Why are you mad?" He asked, as if he didn't know.
"Yeah like you don't know, why don't you just go back to your little Blondie." I said.
"Mia I can explain."
"No." I said I ran off again away from him. I looked back and he didn't follow me he just stood there. I ran til I was out of his sight. I accidentally ran straight into somebody.
"I'm sorry." I said.
"Mia." I looked up to see Dakota Woods. Oh no this is just great.
"Long time no see babe." He said smirking. I backed away from him.
"It's been awhile, ya know since you sent that stupid freshman to try and beat me up." He said laughing. There were 2 other guys behind. They were laughing too. Even better he's with his dumb friends.
I turned to leave but he grabbed my arm.
"Hey why ya leaving? Don't you wanna catch up?" He asked laughing.
"Let me go Dakota." I said trying to pull away, but he gripped my arm even tighter. I scratched him in the face with my free arm.
"Ow!" He yelled slinging me to the ground. He clutched the side of his face with his hand, and I took off running. I looked behind me and they were chasing after me. I ran as fast as I could. I ran behind a big building. I turned the coroner and my arm scrapped the brick wall.
"Ow!" I cryed grabbing my arm. It was cut and bleeding. It immediately stung,and I cried out in pain. I continued to run. I stopped behind the brick building. I needed to rest. I'm pretty sure I lost them.
"You didn't think you were gonna get away did you?" Dakota came around the corner. I ran but his friends grabbed me. I struggled to get away but I couldn't. They pushed me over to him. I fell onto the ground hard. Dakota grabbed me up and pushed me against the brick wall.
"When are you gonna learn." He spat angrily. He's gonna hurt me even worse than he did last time. What have I gotten myself into why did I run I'm so stupid.
"Dakota please don't hurt me." I cried.
He laughed "I'm gonna do more than hurt you." I squirmed to get away but he pinned me harder against the brick wall.
"Help! Somebody help me!" I screamed. He pressed his hand on my mouth. I tried to scream but all that came out was a muffled cry for help. But all a sudden he was pulled back off me. I fell to ground crying, I looked up to see Nash beating the crap out of Dakota. His friends came over and pulled Nash off him and started to beat on him.
"Nash!" I screamed. I got up to go help him.
"Mia stay back." Matt held me back.
"We got this." Said Cameron.
They went over and helped Nash. Soon they were all fighting until. Dakota and his friends were laying on the ground helpless.
"Guys we should go." Cameron said. Matt and Cam started walking off and I followed. I looked behind me and Nash was still there. I walked back a little enough to hear Nash talking to Dakota.
"If you ever even think about touching her again I swear I'll beat you worse than I just did." He said harshly. He started to walk towards me.
"Let's go." He said. I followed him and we got in the car with Cameron.

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