Chapter 34

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Later that day we went to the game.
"Yeah!" Everyone screamed from the stands. Hayes had through another perfect pass to the receiver and he scored a touchdown. Our team was winning 34 - 7 We were crushing them. I was so happy for Hayes. He was really an amazing football playing.
"So why don't you play football?" I asked Nash. Both his brothers do.
"Ehh I did when I was younger but it's not really my thing."
"Oh well it's okay Nash not everyone is gifted with athletic abilities." I said.
"Now I didn't saw I wasn't athletic I just said football wasn't my thing."
"Nash you were the first one out when we played dodgeball at SkyZone." I laughed.
"That doesn't prove anything." He argued.
"What are you guys arguing about?" Cam asked overhearing our conversation.
"If Nash is athletic or not." I said.
"Ha, Nash athletic that's funny." Cameron said laughing.
"Really Cam? Guys it's not funny." He said. He just laughed.
"I'm sorry Nash." I said. He turned away from me.
"Nash are you mad at me?"I asked him.
"Nash come on please forgive me." I begged.
"Fine only if you say Nash is very talented and gifted."
"Nash is very talented and gifted." I repeated.
"Andddd he's the best boyfriend in the whole world, and I love him soooo much." He said making a kissy face.
"He's the best boyfriend in the while world and I love him sooo much." I said.
"Okay I forgive you." He said laughing.
"Can we go to the concession stand?" I asked "I'm kinda hungry."
"Absolutely lets go." He said taking my hand. We walked hand in hand over to the concession stand. Some girls were waiting in line in front of us. One of the girls turned and saw us.
"Nash Grier! Omg!" She squealed Here we go I thought to myself. All the girls turned to look at us.
Wait I knew her that was the girl I bumped into at school.
"What are you doing at our highschool football game?" One of the girls asked.
"My brother plays football here." Nash said.
"Oh yeah his name is Hayes right?"
"Yeah." Nash said.
"Oh we love Hayes he's just the cutest thing ever." She said.
Wow they talk about him like he's a little puppy dog.
"That's good to know." Nash laughed. She looked down at us holding hands and had a disgusted look on here face.
"Yo Nash!" I heard someone yell.
"Tez aye!" Nash yelled back.
"You mind if I go talk to him?" Nash asked.
"No go ahead." I said.
"Ok be right back." He said kissing me on the cheek real fast.
"See you girls later." he waved at the girls and ran off.
"So let me guess you won a date with Nash." The girl said.
"Umm No he's actually my boyfriend." I replied.
"Ha your boyfriend." She laughed "your kidding right?"
"No I'm not." I said
"Well what'd you do to make him feel so sorry for you?"
"Excuse me."
"Look what's your name agian? Mia okay listen why in the world would someone like him want to be with someone like you." She said looking at me with a disgusted face.
"Because we actually have a lot in common."I said back.
"Yeah right I'm sure you do." She said smart elicly "What could he have in common with trash."
I was speechless that one kinda hurt.
"Tiffany hey who's life are you ruining today?" A boy who had black curly haired afro, and dark skin and braces came up from behind me.
"Tezzz what are you doing here I thought you were Florida." She said teeth clenched she looked like she hated him.
"Well I'm back baby."he said laughing.
"Ugh let's go girls." She said walking of with her friends.
"So long Tiff." He said enthusiastic tone. I could tell he was joking.
"Don't worry about her, She lives to make people miserable I'm sure she feeds off other peoples sadness." He said.
I laughed "I wouldn't doubt it."
"I'm Tez." He said smiling.
"I'm Mia." I said back.
"So your the one who's been holding my boy down." He said.
I laughed "Yeah."
"Where is he anyway?" I asked.
"Oh I was talking to him but he said he had to go to the restroom real fast he should be back soon." As if on his que Nash cane around the corner.
"Hey have you guys met?" He asked coming up to us.
"Oh yeah Mia's pretty chill." Tez said.
I smiled. We got some we got some popcorn and nachos we all went back to the stands to watch the rest of the game.

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