Chapter 28

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"I think we should get to know Mia." Matt said as we sat on the trampoline.
"Yeah we all know each other here but we don't really know her." Gilinsky said.
"Umm okay what do you wanna know about me?" I asked.
"Do you like pickles?" Matt asked.
"Absolutely not." I said.
"Me either." Said Matt making a disgusted face.
"Who's your favorite music artist?" Carter asked.
"Hmmm probably Beyonce."
"Beyonce is bae." Carter said giving me a high five.
"What's your favorite animal?" Johnson asked.
"Koala bear definitely."
"How'd you meet Nash?" Gilinsky asked.
"I just ran into him one day and we've been really good friends since then." I said. It kinda hurt to say friends but Nash and I made a decision together that we were gonna be no more than friends and we'd have to stick too it.
"Yeah." Nash said "Mia's pretty awesome." He said putting an arm around me.
"Friends righhht" I heard Hayes say. I shot him a look, and he shut up.
"Guess who's here!" I heard someone yell it sounded like Cameron. I turned to see Cameron and 2 other boys coming up to the trampoline.
They all greeted each other.
"I'm Taylor and your hot." One of the boys said to me. He was wearing a blue bandanna in his hair. I didn't know what to say. "Taylor shut up" said the other boy he had dark brown hair and he was actually pretty cute. "Sorry he's kinda um.. out there ya know." He said to me.
"Yeah." I laughed
"I'm Aaron." He said shaking my hand.
"I'm Mia." He smiled. He had really cute dimples too.
"So your Nashs girlfriend?" He asked.
"Oh no Nash and I are just friends." I said.
"Oh good." He said. "I mean's good that you guys are friends because Nash is a good friend to have and...uh I'm gonna just shut up." He said frustrated
I laughed "it's okay I know what you mean." I said. He smiled and I smiled. We kinda just smiled at each other awkwardly.
"Ohhhhh Aaron's got a crush." I heard Matt yell.
"Ohhhhhh." All the boys said. I blushed and Aaron did too.
"Y'all are childish." Aaron said.
I looked over and Nash was staring in the opposite direction of us, we made eye contact and he looked away. Was he mad at me or something?
"So the gangs all here." Cameron said.
"Except for Shawn." Matt said in a sad voice.
"Shawn will be here tomorrow morning. Matt don't worry." Cameron said. Geesh it sounded like Matt had some kind of obsession over this Shawn guy.
"So who wants to eat? that long trip made me hungry." Taylor said. All the boys agreed with him so we went to my favorite place Olive Garden. I got in the car with Nash.
"Mia sit with me." I heard Matt say as he patted the seat beside him. I sat in the back with Matt and Taylor, and Carter sat in the front with Nash, and the Jacks and Aaron rode with Cam. When we got there we got our tables. The table she got us could only sit 7 so 2 of us had to sit at a different table. While the boys were arguing about it Aaron came up to me and asked if I wanted to sit with him at the 2seater.
"Sure." I said. He grinned. We went and sat down and the boys shut up when they saw us sitting together. When we ordered our food and it finally came. Aaron and I talked about things about ourselves and we got to know each other. I was actually begging to like him.
"Do you wanna go out sometime?" He asked me.
"You mean like on a date?" I asked.
"If you wanna call it a date or just an outing or ya know you can call it whatever....."
I smiled "yes I'd like that."
"Cool." He said with a smile. His dimples came up when he smiled they were so cute. Nash overheard us I could tell by the way he was looking over at us. I did like Nash but we agreed that we were just friends and if I don't get see other people then it's like we're just stuck liking each other but never dating and I don't like that. Besides I like Aaron he's cute,sweet,and funny.
My phone buzzed. I got a text from Nash.
Nash: meet me outside real quick.
Me: why?
Nash: We need to talk.
Nash got up and walked out I waited a few minutes so it didn't look suspicious.
"Hey I'm going to go to the restroom." I said to Aaron. I got up and walked out to the parking lot to see Nash beside the car waiting for me.
"Whats wrong?"I asked him.
"So you like Aaron?" He asked.
"Why do you wanna know?"
"So you do?"
"Maybe?" I said
"Come on I heard him ask you out." He said.
"Okay and I said yes so what's the big deal?"
"I thought you liked me."
"Nash you and I made an agreement that we were not going to be any more than friends. So what's your problem we can't just not see anybody."
"How are you going to date somebody when you like someone else too?"
"Nash we don't like each other anymore, like I said We made an agreement and that what we both wanted."
"No Mia that's what you wanted." He said. We were raising our voices know.
"Nash if you didn't want that then why did you agree with me?!"
"Because I wanted you to be happy. That's why!" "Gosh Mia I've liked you since we first met and I wanted you to choose the decision that made you happy" he said running his fingers through his hair frustratingly.
I stayed silent.
"Ya know what if you want to be with someone you just met go right on ahead." He said walking off.
"Nash wait!" I said running after him. "I don't know what I want right now." I said.
"And that's your problem. Mia you need to figure out what you want because your not just messing with your own life now your messing with mine." He said. I didn't know what to do I thought that I had made the right decision not to ruin our friendship but it turns out that decision was ruining our friendship.
"Nash I'm sorry." I said crying. He sighed and walked back in. I stood in the parking lot crying what have I done I broke Nashs heart and ruined our friendship.
"Mia are you alright?" I turned to see Cameron behind me.
"Can you take me home Cam?"I asked.
"Yeah, come on."he said putting an arm around me.
"What happened?"
"Nash and I got into an argument."I sniffed.
"Oh you'll be alright." He said as we got onto the car.
"Are you okay?"He asked.
"Yeah." I said wiping my tears.
"Do you want me to tell the guys your leaving?" He asked.
"No they'll know." And with that he drove off.

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