Chapter 16

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We went to subway and then we headed over to his house. When we got to he house we knocked on the door but no one answered. Nash lifted a plant up from the front of the the porch and picked up a key to the house. He unlocked the door and we entered the house.
"My mom probably took Sky to ballet practice and my dads still at work and of course Hayes is at football. So looks like we got the house to ourselves." He said plopping down on the couch. I sat down beside him.
"Watcha wanna do?" He asked.
"Nash you always asking me what I wanna do. Its your house, what do you wanna do?"
"Alright let's make a video for my YouTube channel." He said.
"Okay what will it be about?" I asked.
"Hmmm let's do an ask Nash and Mia." He said
"Umm okay." I said.
"Great." He said with a smile. He ran upstairs and came back 8 minutes later with a vide camera. After he sat it up we sat on the couch.
"Alright I'm gonna tweet about the video and people will send questions in and we'll answer them. But be prepared because sometimes the questions can get a little crazy." He said.
"Alright let's start." He said pushing a button on the camera. He ran back over to the couch beside me.
"Hey guys of course I'm Nash and this is my very good friend Mia." He said gesturing his hands over to me.
I waved at the camera. I hope I don't look stupid I've never made a YouTube video before. Especially in front of the millions of people who will watch this.
"Well I asked you guys to tweet me some questions and I'm gonna randomly read some and Mia and I will take turns answering them. So let's get started." Nash said looking down at his phone.
"Okay first question. Who is that girl beside you?" He said looking over to me.
"Well like I said before this is Mia and I'll let her tell you." He said waiting for me to talk.
"Umm yeah my name's Mia Rogers and I'm Nashes friend and I love pizza rolls and blue berry muffins and lemonade and piglets because they are the most adorable things." I said. Wow I didn't even realize I said all that well it's out now.
I looked over at Nash who was grinning and laughing.
"Well Mia Rogers ladies and gentlemen." He said clapping his hands."next question are you two dating?"
"Umm no not yet." He said winking at the camera. I looked at him raising my eyebrows.
"I'm joking." He said laughing
"Or am I" he's said wiggling his eyebrows.
"Nash.stop." I said playfully hitting his shoulder.
"Okay im done." He said laughing.
We answered more questions and the we ended the video.
"Well that was fun." He said
"Yeah we should do more videos like that sometimes." I said.
"We will." He said grinning. Wow okay when he grins he looks really cute. Ugh I can't like him I mean maybe I can when we were doing the video I don't know if he was just joking or if he really does like me but I feel like somewhere deep inside me that maybe I kinda do.

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