Chapter 21

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The next day I was at Nashes house again. We were sitting on his bed watching vines.
"Hey Nash remember when you told me about when you met that guy who became you bestfriend during Magcon?"
"Oh Cameron.? Yeah." He said
"Do you ever talk to him or still hang out with him?" I asked him.
"Yeah I face time him everyday actually." He said.
"Why haven't you introduced me to him then?"
"Um I don't know I never face time him when your around." "But I'll try to right now." He said picking up his phone.
I leaned closer to Nash so we could both be in the camera.
"Nash wassup?" A boy who looked about 19 or 20 appeared on the screen. He had Brown eyes and brown hair and was tan.
"Hey Cam." Nash said
"Is that that girl you always talk about?" He asked.
"Cam this is Mia." Nash said
"Mia that was her name now remember." He said.
"Hi." I said smiling
"Hi Nash always talks about you." He said.
"Umm Cam have you started filming your movie yet?" Nash asked him.
"You mean Explelled? Nah not yet we won't start filming until September." He said.
"Your gonna be in a movie?" I asked
"Yeah." Cameron said. "Its gonna be my first one so I'm kinda nervous."
"You'll do awesome man, I know you will." Said Nash.
"Alright I gotta go. I'm spending the day with Sierra." Cameron said.
"K bye Cam. Tell Sierra I said Hi."
"I will bye." He said waving. The screen went blank.
"Is Sierra his girlfriend?" I asked
"No she's his older sister." He said. "And she looks just like him." He pulled up a picture of them on his phone. Sierra was in the middle with her arms around Nash and Cameron. They were all smiling and you could see a huge billboard in the background that said MagCon Tour in red and black letters.
"Wow she does look like him." I said she basically looks like Cameron in a girl form. She was gorgeous too. I wish I could look like her. Maybe Nash would like me if I looked like her.
"I know right." He said "that was the first time I met her. She's super nice and funny just like Cameron. I bet if you guys met you'd be good friends." He said.
"Yeah. She looks like a cool person." I said
"Ya know what I'll talk to Cam about her coming."
"Wait what?" I asked.
"Well Cam and I have been talking about him coming down and visiting soon, maybe I'll ask him if Sierra can come too."
His phone rang.
"Hayes wats up?" He answered.
"Umm okay have Dad pick you up I'm with Mia right now."
"You what!?"
"Okay I'm on my way." He hung up the phone.
He looked over at me.
"We have to go I think Hayes got into a fight or something." He said.
We walked out to the car and drove off to get Hayes.

What brought us together[n.g]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant