Chapter 48

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I walked into the funeral. I sat down beside my parents. Cam and all the guys were in the row behind us. He put a hand on my shoulder. And gave me that look of everything's going to be okay you'll get through this. But right now that's not how I felt at all. I saw her parents in the front row they were crying. I got up and walked over to them. Her mother hugged me.
"She really loved you." She said.
"She loved you guys even more." I said. Her father patted me on te back.
"Thank you for everything you did for her." He said.
When the funeral began they asked me to say a few words about her. I went up to the podium.
"Okay so I'm was not only Mia's boyfriend but her bestfriend. Mia was-" I checked back sobs.
"Mia was one of the most amazing people ever met. She really made my life worth living. But one thing I know about her is that she's strong. She'd been through so much. She thought she was weak but I told her she was strong. Now matter what anyone says Mia died a strong beautiful girl. I will miss her we a will. I love her so much and I hope she is living in peace know." I left the stage and sat down tears started streaming down my eyes. My mom put an arm around me and comforted me.
Everyone went through the line for her visitation. I looked at her lifeless body she was still beautiful.
"I love you Mia." I said. "And I'll never forget you." I looked at her beautiful face on last time before they took the casket away.

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