Chapter 27

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2 Weeks Later:
I'm going with Nash today to meet all the guys from Magcon. They all decided meet up and hangout, and Nash wanted me too come. They're all coming down here so we're only going to the airport to meet them.
When we got there 2 boys were waving at Nash and smiling. One was tall with dark brown hair, he was buff,they other one was short, and skinnier with blonde hair.
"Nash man what's happnin?" said the one with dark brown hair.
"Gilinsky good to see ya." Nash said giving him a hug.
"Wassup Johnson?" He said hugging the blonde one.
"Guys this is Mia." Nash said
"Hi." Said Gilinsky smiling at me.
"I'm Jack." He said shaking my hand.
"I'm Jack." Johnson said shaking my hand.
"Wait both your names are Jack?" I asked confused.
They nodded.
"Yeh they've been bestfriends kindergarten." Nash said.
"Aww friendship goals." I said
They laughed.
"Nashy poo!" I heard someone scream. I turned to see a boy with dirty blonde hair running towards us.
"Mattchu Lee!" Nash screamed in a girl voice.
He jumped onto Nashs arms. Everyone laughed.
Another boy came walking towards us while laughed hard. He looked Asian and was wearing a sock hat.
"Cartah!" Nash yelled. They laughed and hugged it was like a family reunion. It made me happy to see them all happy especially Nash.
I introduced myself to all of them.
"So Cameron said that he was driving down with Taylor and Aaron." So they'll be here later." Nash said. "And Shawn won't be here until tomorrow he's on his way down from Toronto."
"Awww I miss Shawny." Matt said with a pouty face.
We all went to Nashs house. When we got there all the boys greeted Hayes and Sky and Nashs parents they were all glad to see each other. Then we went outside and sat on the trampoline and chilled. While we waited for the other boys to get there.

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