Chapter 31

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Everyone in the car was quiet even Matt wasn't talking. Cameron dropped me off at my house.
"Bye Mia." Cam said. "I hope you fell okay."
"Bye Cam thanks." I said getting out of the car.
"Bye Matt." I said.
"Byeeee." He said waving to me. I laughed.
Nash got out of the car too.
"What are you doing?" I asked him.
"We need to talk." He said.
Cameron and Matt left and Nash followed me into my house. I unlocked the door to see that Lillian and Harvey weren't home.
There was a note on the fridge saying they be home later. I forgot that they were having dinner with Lillian's boss from work.
"Your parents aren't home?" He asked.
"No they're busy." I said.
"Mia yours arms bleeding."he said shocked. I looked down at my cut arm.
"Yeah I um scraped it on a brick wall."
"It looks like more than a scrape." "I'll be fine." I said.
"Where's  your bathroom?" He asked.
"Upstairs, here follow me." I went up the stairs and he followed me. I showed him the bathroom, he went in and looked around.
"Are you gonna close the door?" I asked him.
"Where's your band aids and stuff ?" He asked me.
"There's a first aid kit downstairs." I said "it's not in the bathroom."
"Oh sorry we keep it in the bathroom at my house."
We went downstairs and I got the first aid kit.
"Let me see you arm." He said.
He took a cotton ball and poured rubbing alcohol on it.
"I'm just gonna clean the cut." He said pressing it to my arm. It stung.
"It stings doesn't it?" He asked
"Uh yeah."
"My mom taught me how to clean cuts and stuff, she used to have to do this to me all the time. Me and my older brother would play out in the woods and stuff like that."
"You have an older brother?" I asked him.
"Yeah his names Will he's in college, he's the quarter back for the Florida Gators."
"That's cool." I said.
After he cleaned my cut he wrapped it with gauze.
"Thanks." I said. I sat quietly I forgot he wanted to talk.
"So do you wanna go upstairs and we can talk?" I asked him.
"Sure." He said. We went to my room. I sat down on my bed and Nash sat down beside me.
"Mia I'm so sorry." He said.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you hurting you feelings, I'm sorry for everything."
"Nash it's okay." I said looking at him. "You saved my life today, and I'm sorry for not being able to make up my mind and just being dumb."
"Your not dumb, we were both kinda confused." He said.
"I know you obviously like that one girl so......"
"Mia." He laughed "I don't like her like that she's just an old friend."
"That's what they all say." I mumbled.
"Mia she's Hayes's ex-girlfriend, Hayes broke up with her, because they wanted to see other people she actually dates someone else now. When you came over there she was showing me a video of her 5 year old little brother that used to come over and play with Skylynn." He said.
"Oh Nash I didn't know that." Wow I just get dumber and dumber.
"Don't you understand that I like you and only you.Mia the day I met you I liked you, I would never chose any girl over you, your beautiful in every way, amazing, smart, and special to me. That's why I followed you when you ran from me because I didn't want you to get hurt or worse because I'm gonna be honest Mia if I lost you I don't know what I'd do, because when I'm with you I don't feel sad I'm not depressed because you make me happy. I love you, there I said it, Mia I love you and I know you might not feel the same way but I really needs to tell you how I feel." He looked me in my eyes.
Finally this is what I wanted, I loved Nash too and this is what I wanted for him to feel the same way I didn't  want to hold my feelings in anymore.
"Nash, I love you too."I said smiling. He smiled and hugged me.
"I mean every single bit of what I  said." He said looking at me with his amazing eyes. We both leaned in and our lips met I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer. I ran my fingers throughout his hair. It was soft and thick, after we broke apart he looked into my eyes, his arms still wrapped around my waist.
"Mia will you be my girlfriend? " he asked.
"Yes." I said smiling.
He hugged me.
"So we're boyfriend and girlfriend now." He said smiling.
"Yeah I guess we are." I said laughing.  He kissed my cheek.
"I love you." He said.
"Iove you too." I said smiling.

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