Chapter 22

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Hayes was sitting outside the school in his football gear. He had a busted lip and what looked like a bruise on the side of his cheek.
"Hey Mia." He said climbing into the back of the car.
"Hayes what happened." Nash asked.
"I um kinda got into a fight." He said.
"With who?"
"Just one of the guys from the team. He tackled me way too hard and I kinda lost my temper. But its no big deal I'm okay." He said trying to make t sound like nothing had happened.
"Hayes look at you mom's gonna flip its not okay." Nash said.
"Nash calm down." Hayes said.
"Who did you fight with anyway?" Nash asked him.
"I don't know one of the new guys." He said I could clearly tell he was lying. But I don't think Nash could.
"Well don't let it happen again. I don't want to get involved if someone douche bag is messing with my brother." Nash said. "I'll have to beat em up." He said making a fist.
We laughed at that.
We got back to Nash's house. We told Nash's mom that he got hurt during football. She believed us. At least for now. We went into the backyard and jumped on the trampoline. When Nash went in to use the bathroom Hayes stopped jumping and looked at me.
"I didn't really get into fight with a guy from my team." He said.
"Yeah I didn't think so." I said.
"I got into a fight with that guy who hit you."
"Wait what you mean Dakota Woods?" I asked
"Yeah that day you got on the bus with a bloody nose I saw him walking away from you. But when you didn't tell me the truth I assumed you had a good reason that you didn't want me to know so I pretended like I didn't. But at football practice today he was hanging around the school ans I went up to him to talk about it because I was mad about what he did to you and then we fought and I was beatin the hell out of him until his stupid friends showed up then it was one against four." He said.
"Hayes you didn't have to do that." I said
"Sure I did he has no right to hit you or any other girl."
"Hayes I know that but you really could've gotten hurt badly."
"I didn't want to tell Nash because he would flip."
I gave him a confused look.
"Now don't you get it Nash is crazy about you when your not here he talks about you, I always know when y'all are texting because he always has smile on his face when he's texting you Nash would go insane if he found out some douche bag put his hands on you."
"Well just don't do these things alone." I said "Nash was worried about you, and so was I."
"I'm sorry Mia it's just your one of my best friends." He said
"Its fine your one of my bestfriends too." I said pulling him into a hug.

That night when I layed in bed I thought about what Hayes said did Nash really care about me that much and if he really liked me why hasn't he made a move yet. I thought endlessly about those things until I fell asleep.

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