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"Are you excited about the ball?", Sophia asked me as we walked out of the dining hall after having breakfast.

"Oh gosh, I almost forgot it", I said which earned a loud gasp to leave Sophia's lips.

"How could you forget? It's Winxsor's most important dance."

"I just did apparently."

Sophia's eyebrows furrowed slightly as she leaned in to take a closer look at my face. "Sweetie you're looking a little dull today. Your eyes look tired too. You're overworking yourself, aren't you?", she scowled, "What did I tell you? At least nine hours of beauty sleep is crucial for you. Your face is a little puffed. Did you not wear a sheet mask last night? How about the eye masks I just got you? You know what I'll give you a full hour facial later -"

"This family has two skincare specialists", I added.

"Hey, I learned from the best", she said and locked her arms with mine as we walked down the hallway. "I told you if you ever need help just ask. Ask anyone really, we all are more than happy to help you, Kristi."

"I know and I'm very thankful for that. But I can handle my own work. If it gets too much, I'll ask."

Sophia sighed. "Knowing you, you won't. "

"Most likely."

My sister analyzed me once more. "You seem not to be having it at all this morning. You alright?"

"No. I have cramps", I answered truthfully. "It's day one."

"So that explains it. You always have the worst cramps the night before. That's probably why you didn't have much sleep last night."

I sighed and leaned my head on Sophia's shoulder. "Today's going to be a long one."

"I doubt it." I glanced up at Sophia to see a subtle smile play across her lips as she signalled me to look ahead. When I turned to look at the front, there I see down the hall, standing in front of the large wooden doors of my Geography class Ashton. His eyes were focused on his phone screen. The next second, a vibration was set off in my blazer pocket. I took my phone out to see a text notification from him.



Baby where are you?

Why can't I help but smile? 

Ashton wasn't in the dining hall earlier for breakfast. He must've eaten earlier and left before I walked in.

Sophia noticed the smile on my face and placed her hands on my shoulders as we had now stopped walking. Since my hairstyle today was a half-up and half-down, Sophia combed her fingers through my hair and divided it evenly to fall over my shoulders. "Go", she said with her smile lingering on her lips. I returned the smile and hugged her before walking away.

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