Coffee Mugs - SP - PT I

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Steve x Peter

Description; Peter Parker twenty-two year old college student, and barista. Same routine every day, until an unexpected customer comes in, and leaves quite unexpectedly.


Peter started off his day with the usual, he woke up in his small apartment, got ready for his early morning shift at a small coffee shop. He took a quick shower, though the water was cold, it did wake the young poor Spider up a bit from his late night of fighting crime. Peter messed with his wet locks and curls in the mirror and sighed at the unruley mop upon his head. Peter changed into regular blue jeans and some plain t-shirt, slipping on shoes and socks after. After another few minutes of tired contemplation he got up gathered his phone, wallet, keys and his school bag since he had classes after. Peter locked up the small apartment and headed down out of the building. Peter's feet hit the newly wet pavement as he walked outside. He let out a soft groan feeling small drops of rain against his face. Peter looked down the street and began walking, shifting the bag on his shoulders as he did. Peter welcomed the sight of the small shop, walking closer he could already smell the first coffee's and the fresh baked goods being made.

Peter pushed at the door, but it was locked, he grabbed his keys and pushed the right one into the lock. A familiar jingle of a bell sounded as Peter stepped inside, he sighed as he began to warm up. Peter b-lined for the counter, and walked into the back.

"Hey MJ. Where's Chel's? I thought she was working with us?" Peter greeted his friend, she nodded her head in return.

"Hey, yea, she's getting her when I get back from classes he had something come up. I'm leaving in a moment for my first class BUT I'll be back after. Everything is ready to open it will be fine." She said looking behind her from the small desk. Peter set his bag down and leaned against the wall watching MJ.

"Alright, so just like every other day?" He rolled his eyes and laughed, MJ rolled her eyes too, with a playful smile and shaking her head.

"Yeah, yeah Parker. You'll be fine. It's not all the time anyway." MJ teased getting up, with that MJ grabbing her things, they walked back to the front together.

"Alright have fun." Peter shook his head watching as MJ walked to the shop's door.

"Yeah you too Parker, Love ya."MJ laughed shaking her head as she walked out, and Peter shook his head.

Peter watched his friend leave before preparing the rest of the shop for opening. Peter glanced at the clock, finishing just on time he walked over to the door and flipped the sign before turning and walking behind the counter again. After a bit, the door was opened, a couple walked in. Peter happily greeted the couple and took their order. The pair sat down, Peter brought their drinks and let them be. This time a group of three, college students as Peter recognized them. Peter took their order, bringing them their food and drink as they had sat down.

After a while the shop had quieted again as the pair left then the group of students. Peter cleaned up the tables tossing the trash, then the dishes to the sink. Then Peter set to wipe the tables that were sat and return to the counter. He tapped against it and looked around for something to do. He glanced to the espresso machine and hummed. Then as Peter was cleaning up the espresso machine as another person walked in. Peter turned, to greet said person, but was a bit awestruck when he realized who was standing in front of him.

"H-hello, welcome to Hybrid Coffee, h-how can I take your order S-sir?" Peter was stumbling his way through the sentance, totally embaressed as he couldn't help to steady his words. Of course it didn't help seeing the Captain America, start to laugh as Peter stumbled.

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