Coffee Mugs - SP - PT II

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Steve x Peter

Discription; An unlikely, yet very likely turn out of Peter's secret.
- Part Two of Coffee Mugs - SP
-TW; Blood.


The next morning MJ was knocking at the door, Peter groaned rolling his way out of bed, heading to the door Peter realized he was still in his suit. He rolled his eyes, going to the door anyway. Peter cracked it looking at the face behind the door. He hummed, opening the door a bit but guarding himself behind the door, MJ furrowed her brows stepping inside, then realized why Peter had done that.

"Late night?" She asked referring to the suit.

"A little, but I was more exhausted from the night before from that weird villain." He shrugged, shutting the door.

MJ sat on the couch and looked at the coffee table in front of her. Seeing the napkin she read it before Peter could web it away from her.

"How does he know? You texted him right? Wait why did you hide that from me?" MJ rattled off questions and Peter waved his hand walking into his kitchenette.

"I don't know because I didn't text him, I don't want to. And- I don't know I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. I really don't want to talk about it either." Peter sighed getting a glass of water. MJ just rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"You know that's a lame excuse right? He obviously wants to talk to you about being Spider-Man. He's Captain America what do you think he'll do?" She asked countering, watching him from the sofa.

"I don't know but I just don't want to deal with that hero life? Like if I start hanging around Mr. America press is going to get snoopy. I want my own life, and I want to keep that separate from what I do." He tried to explain. He gulped some of the water down as MJ hummed softly, understanding a bit more.

"You at least need to text him. Ask him how he knows you're Spider-Man. Even though he said text him, I'm pretty sure he is more of the phone call type." She teased laughing softly, which lead Peter to groan at the joke.

"Really?" Peter asked and pouted as if he was insulted, MJ just laughed shaking her head.

"What I'm serious? Anyway glad you're okay, you ditched quick, then never responded to my texts or calls. You are worrisome sometimes Peter." She teased Peter shaking her head at her best friend.

"I know I know, but it's never anything big you know that MJ. You shouldn't worry so much." Peter shook his head walking to the sofa and sitting down on the edge.

"It's my job, since no one else will. Also, just text him already." MJ sighed softly and patted Peter's shoulder.

Peter rolled his eyes and grumbled to himself pushing MJ's hand away laughed softly after as he stared at MJ.

"I really don't want to. I mean I'm going to make a fool of myself just like yesterday." Peter shook his head and rubbed his hand against his face.

MJ just tsk'd softly shaking her own head gently.

"No you won't, and obviously he wants to talk to you. So just ask him how he knows or something. Just get it over with and ask him." She pushed further trying to get Peter to message the Super Soldier.

"You're still pushing? Please MJ-" Peter started but MJ nudged him.

"Text him!" She pushed again, Peter only groaned again.

"Go home!" Peter pouted in return after being nudged again. MJ only laughed.

"Not until you message him. Go on. Do it then I'll go." MJ laughed, changing her position, her knees folded against her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs.

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