"Peter! You idiot-"

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Flash x Peter Parker

Flash, and Peter, happen to get locked in a room together.


Peter started his day like any other, alarm blaring into his senses. Peter grumbled smacking randomly at the alarm with one hand, the other rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he got up.

Peter brushed his teeth and got dressed, Peter looked around the small apartment, frowning. Peter missed his aunt dearly, but he knew she's be rolling in her grave if Peter just gave up.

Peter exited the apartment, with his school bag, and jumped on the train. Peter never really rode the train, but he didn't feel like swinging around being quite tired still. The train was always fast, getting Peter to his school, but today, there was some sort of issue with the tracks, making Peter late.

Peter finally breathed relief when the train started moving again, fifteen minutes late. Something in Peter's brain told him that, today may not go so well. Peter finally arrived at the school, grabbing a slip from the office 'excusing' his tardiness.

Peter continued down the hall to his first period, though it was almost over. Peter knocked on the door, and the teacher let him in. Peter kept his head down and moved to the back, sitting the an empty seat next to Ned.

"Yo dude, you've literally never been late?" Ned questioned, whispering to the Spiderling.

"I decided to take the train, something with the tracks." Peter mumbled back softly.

Ned nodded, "You could have swung here?" He replied.

Peter shrugged, "I got to sleep late working on the suit, really tired still." Peter leaned his head on his hand, as his English teacher drowned on.

Soon the bell went off, signifying the end of the class. Peter got up and waited for Ned to grab his things.

"You want to hang out after school?" Ned asked, as they began walking out of the classroom.

Peter thought for a moment, "Yeah, do you want to come over and play on the xbox, we still haven't finished 'Jedi: Survivor' yet?" Peter decided he didn't want to be alone, and we would patrol after Ned either left or be his 'man in the chair.'

Ned smiled excited, "Yeah man!" He responded as they entered their next class.

Peter had Ned in his first, second, and sixth period, and was lucky enough to have MJ in his third, sixth and seventh period. Unfortunately, Peter had his bully, Flash, in his third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. Peter swore Flash some how did it, forcing himself into those classes, maybe bribery or something. Peter swore it. The past week hadn't been too irritating, Flash seeming to slightly back off, almost entirely, which started to freak Peter out a bit.

Peter and Ned walked into their history class, settling themselves in the back of the room. Peter and Ned took out their History books as the bell rang. Peter didn't mind History class, more entertaining than English anyway.

The period consisted of of them learning about Howard Stark's involvement in World War Two, and a short segment on his involvement with Captain America. Peter only really knew a couple of things, Tony not wanting to get into it much, so he was actually interested in the subject.

The time seemed to fly as the bell started to ring again. Peter looked at Ned with dismay, knowing the torment to come. Ned shook his head.

Maybe it won't be that bad today?" Ned asked trying to sound hopeful.

Peter scoffed at his friend, as they gathered their things once more. They got out the door, and down the hall before they had to part. Doing their secret handshake they parted, one left, the other right. Peter groaned to himself softly as he walked down the hall. Alone.

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