IP - Fortune Cookies

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Ship of the Shot: TonyxPeter , Starker

Peter is 19 in this so this isn't underage.

Tony and Peter order Chinese after working in the lab, and their fortune cookies saying quite similar things. The slips making the two realize they both have the same feelings for each other.


Peter now being the graceful age of 19, he had been working, living even at the Avengers compound for a few years. Getting comfortable with his new, and better life. Spending time with the Avengers as they came and went at the compound he loved talking to each of them, getting to know them when they stayed. He had a family, and worked with the man he loved the most in the world. The man he loved most in the world, loved him, not that he knew. Tony Stark wasn't know to have the best love life. Scared to love again, he always tried to be professional around Peter, sometimes that didn't happen.

Peter was sat across the room tinkering with his web shooters, he always wanted to update the things whenever he had an idea. Tony on the the other side watched from time to time as his successor works. A small smirk gracing his own face before he turned to work on his suit, playing with new nano-tech to help the suit move faster, be lighter, and move with ease.

The room was quiet until he heard Peter's stomach grumble. "Alright Underoos, hungry?" He asked as he turned in his stool chair to the younger adult. Peter's cheeks turned a bit pink when he turned to Tony, the man thought it was the cutest thing. "Y-you heard that?" He asked with a squeak, Tony let out a chuckle that made Peter's heart melt, Tony nodded. "Let's order something then. Chinese?" He asked Peter, and Peter just nodded.

The older man hummed, "F.R.I. Order me and Peter's usual from Lotus." He said out into the air. "Of course boss." The AI, F.R.I.D.A.Y, responded. Tony stood and walked over to Peter. "So what's the update this time?" He asked leaning against the desk that Peter worked at. Peter smiled, "Well I was thinking if I'd use a light weight, yet strong metal, they wouldn't break as easy. So I'm using that scrap Vibranium you gave me for it, and I also wanted to make refillable cartridges." Peter explained, Tony nodded, "What about the fluid? Have you perfected that yet?" He smirked down at Peter, the younger blushed a bit more at Tony's smirk and shook his head.

"I was thinking, what if the fluid was light weight, held with strong adhesive?" Tony spoke, Peter nodded, "I was thinking the same." He added with his nod. "What if-" Tony didn't finish the sentence because their food had been delivered by some assistant, or intern. Tony really didn't pay much attention to the person, they left and it was the two of them again. Tony brought the food to a table in the room away from their work and sat down, Peter following and they began eating.

"As I was saying, what if there was a way to put vibranium partials into the web? That way stronger web, and we could figure out a chemical compound to add for the adhesive." Tony said before taking a bite of his cashew chicken. Though cashew chicken isn't technically a Chinese dish rather an Americanized one, he still enjoyed it. Peter was rather keen on Beef and Broccoli for his dish.

As they ate they tossed ideas back and forth to strengthen the webs. Tony loved watching Peter's brain at work. Peter's brain was one of the best things about the young man. Tony loved it, he loved Peter, everything about the young adult made the older feel alive and happy. He knew his love wasn't returned, and should never be so. Peter was too perfect, Tony thought he was the opposite and he couldn't possibly hurt Peter.

Tony was caught up in his own thoughts he didn't notice Peter moved in front of him waving his hand. Tony snapped up from his thoughts. "Tones?" Peter asked softly, Tony's breath caught in his throat. "What? Oh sorry." He shook his head, Peter giggled softly shaking his head sitting back down. "No worries." He said and picked up a fortune cookie. Peter opened the small packet and snapped the cookie open, eating the cookie first before reading the note. "The love of your life sits before you." Peter choked a bit on the cookie and grabbed his drink quickly swallowing it down.

Tony raised an eyebrow, "That bad huh?" He laughed, grabbing his own fortune cookie and doing the same. "The love of your life is before you, don't wait." Now it was Tony's turn to choke on the cursed cookie. Peter giggled this time, "That bad huh?" He teased, mocking Tony. Tony scoffed, "I'll show if you do?" He squinted, "Doesn't that mean it won't be true?" Peter asked, "Here." He said switching the small slips of paper.

They both looked at the slips in their hands and looked at each other with wide eyes. "What?" They both ask looking at each other. The two were confused, Tony was about to laugh about how silly the fortunes were but Peter's sniffle caught him off guard. Tony stood and was by Peter's side in mere seconds. "What's wrong." Tony didn't ask, he demanded why his precious Peter was crying.

Peter shook his head, "You'll hate me if you knew." Peter tried to shake, wave, the problem off, but Tony wasn't going to let it go that easy. "You know for a fact that's not true Pete." He said thumb and forefinger lifting Peter's chin up. Peter's eyes slightly red and puffy from tears. "It's stupid. Silly even." Peter tried to reason, and tried to not let himself be pulled into that stupid look Tony always gave to get him to talk. "I love you-" It was too late, it was like Tony had mind controlling powers that always got Peter to talk.

Peter groaned and pulled himself away quickly. "I hate it when you do that." He grumbled, "I'm sorry." He sighed, Tony was a bit stunned finally knowing that his own feelings were returned from his successor. The silence was killing Peter, he got up and started to walk away, yet when Tony spoke he froze. Peter has been waiting so long to hear those words. Years later he finally got to hear them. Peter still was frozen, his eyes filled with tears again.

"Peter- I-I love you too."

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