CP - Rooftop Date

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Ship of the shot: PeterxClint

Peter and Clint have a date over the compounds rooftop, with a little something more.


Peter had a long day and Clint was usual was pushing his buttons worse than usual. Peter had gotten home late from being New Yorks favourite web slinger after he had gotten hurt. He did save the day, but still had been injured.

He was fixing himself up when Clint walked into their room. Clint's eyes widened, "Babe what happened? Why didn't you tell me?" Clint asked Peter instantly going to his lovers side and helping him. "Let me guess, group of four, some type of heist down town and one got to close?" Clint raised an eyebrow and Peter blushed nodding. "Yeah, how do you do that? Are you like Sherlock?" Peter asked eyeing Clint suspiciously. Clint looked up, "Yes." He said seriously with a smirk, and finished helping Peter. Clint leaned down and they kissed softly. "Thank you." Peter smiled as they cleaned up the mess.

Clint yawned and hugged Peter from behind once Peter had changed into a shirt and boxers. Peter leaned back into Clint, looking at him in the mirror. "Mm I have something planned for us tomorrow so no going out, unless it's with friends, then you come back by 6, and dress nice. In fact, do that." He said thinking about it, and Peter rolled his eyes.

"You're such a dork Clint." Peter teased but nodded, "Yes, yes I am, but I am your dork and yours only Petey. Let's go to bed love." Peter nodded kissed Clint's cheek and pulled them to bed. They laid close together, curled in each others arms. The last spoken words were merely whispers of love. With smiles on their face they slept.

Peter was first to wake, feeling better than the night before and his body healing quickly. He stretched in Clint's arms, then lightly laid his hand on Clint's cheek slowly caressing with his thumb. Clint hummed at the touch pulling Peter closer in his arms. Leaving Peter to smile with a loving gaze at his older lover.

Peter got out of bed, he went to the bathroom before returning, he looked at Clint laying in their bed. "Baaaaaaaaaabeeee." He whined jumping on their bed. Clint was thrown off the bed as quickly as Peter started jumping. "Jesus christ Pete!" Peter laughed and fell on the bed as Clint got up shaking his head.

Clint sighed, "Seriously babe?" Peter just shrugged as he continued to giggle to himself. Their morning together went along schedule. Wake, bathroom needs, breakfast with everyone, then hangout, and discuss the plans of the day with everyone. Then everyone went on with their own thing unless they had gotten an emergency call.

Today was no different, they went and brushed their teeth before going out to the shared living space of Avengers compound. They really all liked spending time together, they were a loving family, the best they could be for everyone around them. Peter and Clint shared their own quiet discussion as they ate breakfast before venturing off to their room.

"Go get ready babe, I have stuff to do here for the surprise but you definitely cannot be here for that." Clint tried to rush Peter on to go out and do things. Peter rolled his eyes before getting ready with a smile. Once done he went to Clint and kissed him on the cheek softly, before being able to step away Peter was dragged back into a deep loving kiss.

Peter left soon after and Clint was left to his own devices. He needed this night to be perfect, he was finally going to ask that stupid gnawing question scratching at his brain. Clint went to the roof and set everything up paying close attention to the details. Hours had passed and he knew he was ready, he just needed to make sure the food was, and well of course Peter Peter being ready.

Clint had asked Nat, and Tony to help cook up his special planned dinner. They of course wanted to help knowing full well why this night was important. Nat took care of picking out sides, dessert, the wine, and of course making them. Tony worked on the main part of the dish and helped Nat along the way.

The time flew and before Clint knew it he was being alerted by F.R.I.D.A.Y that Peter was arriving to the compound. Nat and Tony moved the dishes and drink to the roof while Clint went out to great Peter. Peter's car pulled around the front, and parked perfectly in his spot. The trunk popped open, and Peter got out. He smiled at Clint grabbing his bags before walking to the older.

Peter stepped to Clint, hand to the elders chest. Leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to Clint's lips. "Hey babe.~" He mumbled softly eyes glossed with love. Clint could have definitely said fuck the dinner and dragged Peter to the room but he decided against it. Clint hummed, "Hey baby.. let's go to your surprise." Peter nodded in agreement and let Clint lead the way.

Soon on the roof, Peter smiled at the sight. "Clint... you didn't have to do all of this." Pete whispered stepping closer to their romantically set table. Clint slowly followed, "That doesn't matter, I wanted to because I have something to ask you... and I didn't want any other setting besides one like this to do it." Clint said grabbing a box from his pocket and getting on one knee. Peter confused turned around, he saw Clint and widened his eyes.

"No way..." Peter whispered to himself, "Peter.. you are the love of my life. My everything, the only thing in my life I want is to be with you forever." Clint started, and opened the small box, in it held a small golden ring. Peter's eyes watered, "Clint.." He whispered lovingly watching the older continue. "I want to ask you, will you do the honor of being my husband? My forever and my always?" Peter nodded quickly, "Yes, Clint of course."

Clint slipped the ring on to Peter's finger and got up. They shared a passionate, loving kiss, foreheads pressed together as they regained their breaths. Clint chuckled, "Let's eat baby." They parted and sat to eat their dinner, as a happily, now, engaged couple.

After their dinner though Clint stood and held out his hand for Peter. "Dance with me baby boy?" He asked the younger, Peter nodded and got up. Their dancing wasn't much of actual dancing, it was more then swaying and turning holding each other close and tight. "I love you so much Pete." Clint mumbled into Peter's ear. The smaller hummed, "I love you more Clint." Peter whispered back. Their night continued perfectly, only love to be seen and heard from the two swaying in each others arms on the roof of the Avengers compound.

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