BP - Field Trips Are Gross, III

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Ship of the shot: Winterspider, Bucky x Peter.


The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open. Taking Flash a moment before realizing that someone was standing there, he pulled back and almost shit his pants to see who was there, his mouth opening and closing like a finish out of water. Peter slid down the wall crying softly in his hands. Peter freaked out, "B-Bucky it's not what it looks like!" He tried to say more but was silenced by Bucky's harsh glare.


Bucky stood arms crossed, before he realized what he was seeing in the elevator, Peter, his Peter, being forced to kiss Flash. Then it was Flash stepping away gasping out like a fish. Bucky had no problem pulling Flash back and practically slamming the boy against the wall. "How dare you touch him?" He growled at Flash, eyes filled with anger and rage. "J-James..." Peter whispered, although it was a whisper Bucky noticed, he glared towards Flash for a moment before crouching by Peter's side, he wiped tears. Bucky knew he made Peter upset.

Bucky picked Peter up and walked with him out of the elevator. "Touch him again and I'll kill you." He growled, he took Peter into the Avenger's living quarters. Peter bumbled out apologies, but was soon silenced by Bucky who set him down. "Stay." Was all he said before leaving else where around the floor. Peter played with the hem of his shirt before he heard shouting from down the hall.

Peter sighed softly and curled up closing his eyes. This is officially, the worst field trip ever. He was made fun of, and forced to kiss his bully, and his boyfriend would probably break up with him soon. Everyone came into the common room with angry looks and they all went to the elevator, yet Nat had stayed with Peter knowing her poor spider needed comfort. Peter continued with apologize, and saying, "James is going to break up with me." While Nat held him in her arms. Downstairs the Avengers had gathered disrupting the class on their tour in the labs to go sit in a conference room. Everyone was angry at Flash's terribly inappropriate behaviour.

The "deca" team was sitting in the chairs, Flash was the most nervous of all after he had returned to the group. Tony stood at the end of the room arms crossed, the rest of the Avenger's the same around the room. Tony smiled to MJ and Ned, "Peter is terribly distraught you two should go see him upstairs." He spoke to them, they nodded and left. "What? How do you know them?" Flash screeched, Tony almost snapped his neck looking at the boy. "They're friends and family of Peter. Of course I know my sons friends. They're like family." He said grtting his teeth. Flash looked dumb founded but didn't say anything more. "Now, I'm sorry to disrupt your tour but something has happened. I think the tour is over. You all have to leave, and no, no this is no ones fault but Eugenes." He stated through the commotion rising in the room.

The room stilled and looked at Flash, the room became loud again all yelling at Flash. "Mr. Harrington I'd like to speak with you." Tony said and walked out thr room leaving the commotion. Tony spoke to Mr. Harrington, but inside Bucky was being held back from attacking Flash. Steve, Sam, and Clint all tried to keep him from the boy but it couldn't be helped much without some sort of muzzle.

"Target: Eugen Thompson, mission: destroy, reasoning: kissing my Peter." He growled lowly himself. Steve rolled his eyes, "Bucky, Peter's fine you need to stop." He said not so quietly. The rest of the team noticed this situation that was happening, and talked Flash to the corner of the room.

Outside with Mr. Harrington and Tony, Mr. Harrington was trying to convince Tony that they should in fact continue the tour anyhow. "I don't see the big problem of what happened, I mean I can separate the two boys but there's not much I can do." Mr. Harrington shrugged without much thought. Tony rolled his eyes, "The problem is that your student Flash has been bullying Peter for years, and assaulted him in my building. You'd be lucky if Bucky has been held back. Bucky would absolutely tear Flash to shreds if he could." Tony countered, "You need to leave and get out of my building." He added, Mr. Harrington sighed and nodded and other returned to the room.

Tony wasn't shocked seening Bucky pressed against the corner glaring at Flash wishing he'd die already. Tony wasn't even shocked to see Flash backed against the other corner terrified. He was shocked though to see Peter walk in so calmly after they had and walk up to Flash, punch him in the face and walk then turn to Bucky. Bucky relaxed seeing his Peter punch Flash. "James, let's go upstairs, please?" Peter asked the man, Bucky instantly fell weak and soft to Peter's voice, he nodded.m, and they laced their fingers leaving, Mr. Harrington's jaw dropped slightly.

"B-but-" "Oh yeah Peter's staying here for the rest of the day, too much effort to have happy go get him and bring him back while he's here now." Tony cut Mr. Harrington off, and all Mr. Harrington could do was nod. Soon the mess had been fixed and the Deca team had left, even MJ and Ned. Tony wanted to press charges but Peter wouldn't have wanted that and everyone, even Bucky, had to respect his wishes.

Later that day Peter and Bucky were laying in bed. Peter tightly holding on to Bucky whispering apologize, but every time Peter started, Bucky lightly kissed Peter trying to distract him. "Peter," He started, "It's okay. I know you didn't want that. It's not okay for him, but it's okay to you, because I know you." He mumbled and played with Peter's hair. Peter nodded but still felt terrible. Peter nuzzled his face, and rubbed his face against Bucky's chest. "I love you." He whispered, and tensed realizing what he said, he prayed that Bucky didn't hear him. "I love you too Peter. Hmm maybe we should go on our own field trip." Bucky chuckled softly, Peter grimaced, "Field trips are gross." He mumbled and closed his eyes.

Bucky laughed softly and kissed the top of Peter's head. Bucky rubbed Peter's back with his metal hand, and laced their hands together with his other. Bucky soon closed his eyes too. "I really do love you Peter." He said softly, Peter smiled, "I know James. I love you too." He said happily, kissing Bucky's cheek. 'Maybe not all field trips are bad if they end up like this.' Peter thought to himself.

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