BPS - A Field Trip

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Request by @Palaye_Royal_fan
-buckyxpeterxscott field trip au

- Peter goes on a field trip to his home, The Avengers Compound, and it goes not to plan. (Peter, Bucky, and Scott are already together.)


Peter yawned, the boy currently sat in his after school Decathlon meeting. The others in the meeting chattering delightfully, on the other hand Peter sat watching his two friends MJ and Ned fighting over god knows what now. Probably which Avenger was better or even which movie they saw last week was better. "Girls, your both pretty, but will you stop now?" Peter interjected with a smile and looked between the two who'd been going back and forth for the past 10 minutes.

The pair looked at Peter and rolled their eyes simultaneously with a smile. They could never be mad at Peter- nor betray his wishes so they both settled down as their teacher spoke up. "Alright students, I know this was a surprised meeting but another surprise is a field trip we'll be taking in 30 minutes. This had been in the works for months so no worries already cleared up with your parents. Would you like to know where or keep it a surprise?" Mr. Harrington smiled as he spoke, there were cheers from the small group chanting 'surpise' and 'tell us' from around the table.

Mr. Harrington laughed and nodded, "Surprise it is. Now to get ready I want you guys to make sure you have your things ready. We are keeping everything here in the locked classroom so don't worry. This will be a three hour trip, half hour going, two hours there, then another half hour back. So make sure you have everything packed up." The class made hums, and grunts of either agreement or disagreement but they packed up any way and made sure their stuff was in order.

Peter, Ned, and MJ began talking to themselves, the trio curious about the trip. "Where do you think we're going?" Ned asked their small group. "Hopefully no where boring." Replied MJ, they nodded in agreement, "We've practically been everywhere though, so I'm not sure where else there is." Peter mumbled with a shrug, they nodded with that too.

The decathlon team were constantly going on field trips to museums, historic landmarks, and other decathlon events. So really they've been all over, there hadn't been a place they haven't been. Except one place that no one thought to think of. Avengers Compound, they didn't ever think they would end up going there anyway. It was a trip that always seemed out of reach.

Soon the decathlon team were boarding a bus and headed to the unknown destination. As promised, the time was 30 minutes, but within 15 minutes Peter knew where they were headed, his face paled and his friends noticed. "Peter? What's wro- Oh no.." Ned asked, then he realized what was happening, then MJ was. They have been to the compound before, being best friends of Peter they visited the compound quite a bit. MJ winced and held back a laugh, Ned comforted Peter by rubbing his back.

Soon the class arrived to the compound and Flash was first to notice. "Ha! Parker get ready to owned! We all know that you don't know anyone here!" He laughed, Peter just rolled his eyes. The bus soon stopped and the class filed off to the entrance. "Alright before we go in, I want you all to be on your best behavior. Please? Even you Flash." He pleaded to the class, they all just nodded, even Flash who had rolled his eyes.

Soon a woman came out of the building to greet them with a box. "Hello, Mr. Harrington's decathlon class I presume? I'm Ms. Bailey, I'll be your tour guide today." She spoke looking around, they nodded and she hummed pulling out an ID card. "These are yours to keep, they are activated for level one clearance of the building, once the tour is over they will be deactivated the moment you leave the compound." She put the pass back in the box and handed it to Mr. Harrington. "There's no specific cards for anyone, so just come and get one." She added.

Flash got an idea, smirking he yelled out,"Ms. Bailey! Do you know Peter Parker?!" He yelled loud enough for everyone to hear, she turned to Flash with a raised eyebrow. "I apologize but, I don't believe so." She responded and started walking inside. The class laughed slightly, and Flash smirked feeling accomplished.

The class all got an ID and they stepped inside to start the tour. Each person stepped through a scanner that glowed green allowing them through. Once they finished getting inside, Ms. Bailey cleared her throat. "Alright, before we begin I want to cover some things. No touching, no bothering any of the techs, no pictures or filming unless said so, and please just follow those simple rules." She explained and they started walking to an elevator, and taking them down two floors, to their first stop.

It was a basic lab, nothing important, Peter never came down here because Tony always sent him up to their shared lab, or Banner's lab. Peter just looked bored as Ms. Bailey spoke about what the techs were doing. Then they moved on to another area, where they could do experiments and tests like that. Time seemed to fly by for the class and their trip was almost over, they were walking around the training areas, then the unexpected happened.

Bucky, the Winter Soldier, and Scott, the Ant-Man came into the room, "Pete baby~! Totally forgot that Tones cleared this field trip." Bucky smiled as he saw his other lover. "Pete, tell Bucky he's wrong!" Scott joined the two, Peter rubbed his temple seeing his boyfriends. "About what babe?" He asked in return. "Well, Buck said that you loved him more than you loved me." Scott pouted, Bucky rolled his eyes laughing softly. "Yeah Scotty~ He does love me more." Bucky teased, poking at Scott's cheek, before holding Scott's hand. Peter shook his head, totally forgetting his Decathlon class behind him. "Scott, Bucky, you both know I love you equally, but you guys fighting over me makes me think you don't love me." Peter fake pouted, teasing his lovers.

Bucky laughed shaking his head, "Baby, you know we love you.~" Before either Scott or Peter could respond, Flash had opened his big mouth. "What the fuck! There's no way that Peter Parker knows Ant-Man and the Winter Soldier!" Flash huffed, the trio turned, the older two raised their eyebrows and pulled Peter close. It seemed that Bucky and Scott ran on one brain today as they spoke at the same time. "Baby.. is this him?" They spoke together, Peter nodded.

The elders frowned and looked at each other. "Flash right?" Bucky started, the small boy nodded. "Stay away from our Peter." Scott finished, the men pulled their small boyfriend into a hug slightly sandwiched between them. Peter rolled his eyes. "I have to go, bye babe, bye love." Peter sighed, he leaned up and kissed both men's cheeks, before leaving with the oddly silent class. Bucky hummed a bit, "I'll pick you up after baby!" He yelled after Peter. Pete took a moment to look back nodding and waved to his two lovers.

The class left the build awestruck at what they witnessed. Soon peter was bombarded with questions, and yelling catching his senses off guard. He winced and covered his ears. Thinking only to sprint off back inside the building and running to the living areas of the compound. Soon after Bucky and Scott were alerted by F.R.Y.D.A.Y that something was wrong they found Peter couched down and holding his head.

"Baby boy, what's wrong?" Scott asked petting Peter's hair. "Caught... off.. senses too... much..." He mumbled out to concerned pair. Bucky picked up his small boy and carried him to his bedroom. Bucky laid Peter down in bed the pair staying by his side as Peter slowly fell asleep. The two older men talked as Peter slept.

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