FP - "I hate you."

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Why not have a break of Bucky and Peter?

Ship of the shot: Flash Thompson x Peter Parker.

Warning: stronger language, and slurs.

The Beginning,

Peter Parker, a 15 year old student of Midtown Highschool in Queens, New York. He had two friends Ned, and MJ who were always there for him and had his back. No one really knew why Flash bullied Peter, but it had to be something terrible that happened between the two. Yet, it wasn't. Flash had fallen for poor Peter in Freshmen year, Flash couldn't really understand his feelings so he lashed out on Peter.

It wasn't Peter's fault, or even Flash's it was just something that happened. The moment Flash had fallen for Peter was in their Freshmen physics class, now Flash and Peter at this point had know each other for two years, but this, this is when it hit him. Peter had worn an adorably geeky outfit, his hair more curly than ever. Peter had walked in, sat at his table, and the natural light had hit his pale skin just right to make it seem like the boy was glowing. Flash new it was such a sickening cliché, but it didn't matter, soon it had turn to hatred, well not real hatred pretend hatred to get over a silly little crush.

Peter over the years hasn't noticed, he only noticed that Flash was bullying him. He never understood, and always asked but no answer was given and Peter had to deal with it. Flash had changed his demeanour, still having a crush on Peter, he felt nice with having the power over someone, so he continued with other people in the school. He soon had become the school bully, over a silly little crush that never went away.

Present Day,

Flash still bullied Peter, it was their junior year together. Peter had been Spider-Man for a little more than two years, and was slowly getting to the point of snapping at Flash. The teasing had gotten worse, with much worse names, "Penis Parker," "Dickwad," "Faggot," and more. Peter was to his breaking point. All it took was a was patrolling night, a bad rainy morning, being late, and terrible news about aunt may.

Time seemed to slow when the incident happened. Flash was walking down the hall and saw Peter, and opened his mouth. "Hey, Penis Parker! How's the schools favourite Faggot?" He asked, Peter stopped and turned his eyes darkening. Peter walked to flash and pushed him into the locker. "What. The. Fuck. Is. Your. Problem. Eugene?" Peter seethed, Flash's heart stopped for a moment. Flash knew he had messed up that day, in that moment. Flash shook his head. "N-nothing Parker, get off me man.." He tried and looked away, Peter wasn't having it. "No, you will tell me what your issue is with me. I have delt with you long enough. I hate you." Peter snapped, and Flash's heart broke.

Flash looked down and tears gathered in his eyes and dripped slowly. "I'm sorry..." Flash whispered weakly, Peter's anger fled him and he composed himself. He cleared his through and walked away with his head down. The halls were full of stares and whispers. Flash left school immediately after he could pull himself together. Flash got home and sat on his bed, he pulled out his phone and when to Peter's Instagram to try to message him.

Flash: Peter, I'm sorry. I know you hate me I messed up. It took me too long, and I'm way too late. But, I'm sorry I broke you. I want to talk to you in person, and tell you everything.

Seen at 2:36 p.m.

Flash's heart broke more, it's been four hours since he sent that message, and three since Peter saw it. Flash wanted to apologize, he was stupid and he knows it, he admits it. He wanted to at least apologize in person. "Ding" His phone chimed softly he quickly grabbed it and read the message.

Peter: The park. By the school. 20 minutes. You'll have 60 seconds to explain yourself.

Seen at 6:45 p.m.

Flash got up stumbling, and running to his mirror, he tried to fix himself the best he could and not look like a total wreck. He needed to be there by 7:05, he'd have till 7:06 to explain himself he cursed and left after grabbing what he needed. Flash arrived with one minute to spare, he ran around trying to find the boy he needed but he couldn't. Flash plopped himself on a bench and cursed to himself with his head in his hands. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." He grumbled, on the last 'fuck' he let out his voice cracked. Flash sat unknowing that Peter had just gotten there himself and was standing in front of Flash.

"You have one minute, go." Was all Peter said, Flash jumped and panicked. "I-I-I, Peter I didn't think... Nevermind. I'm sorry Peter, I am I'm so sorry for being so dumb. I just thought that if-" Flash started, "30 seconds." Peter interupted, Flash sighed and shook it off. "Look, I had a chrush on you since freshmen year and I didn't know how to handle it. I fell in love with you and it never went away. I was being selfish and stupid and cowardly because I thought if I seemed like I hated you it would go away. B-but it didn't and I want to say I'm sorry and I know you hate me but I wanted to get it off my chest so- Ow fuck Peter!" Flash had spoken fast and was losing breath, that was before Peter slapped him.

"How dare you do that to me? You bullied me for years because you couldn't man up and admit feelings. Fuck off, I don't accept and you can leave me alone." Peter snapped and turned to leave, he started walking but Flash grabbed the boy's wrist. "I deserve that I know I do but I'm sorry Peter. I know you don't forgive me and that's okay, you can hate me. I deserve it but I can promise you this. I will change this around, I will make things better. I will stop hurting you." Flash spoke softly, Flash pressed a kiss to Peter's cheek leaving him confused and surprised. After that Flash left Peter, "I'm so sorry Peter." He said as he walked away back to his car.

Flash sighed and pressed his head against the wheel and closed his eyes. Shocked when he heard soft taps on his window, he looked seeing Peter. Flash instantly rolled the window down and looked with wide eyes. Peter leaned into Flash's car, and kissed him with a hand on the others cheek. The kiss was soft and slow and only lasted a few moments before Peter pulled away. "Hurt me again, and it will be the end of Flash Thompson. You will not like what happens if you hurt me again." He said and walked away. Flash watched him stunned but nodded dumbly. Peter had a smirk on his face as he walked home.

Peter felt good leaving the shocked Flash alone in his car at the park. He felt that Flash was telling the truth but he need Flash walking on egg shells and not get too comfortable too quickly. He went back to Aunt May's and went to sleep easily. The next morning was Saturday and he usually went to the Avengers tower over the weekends but Tony and Pepper had a business meeting across the world, Thor was on Asgard, Nat and Clint were visiting Clints Family, Bruce- Well maybe he should to go check on his uncle Bruce. So that's what Peter did, ignoring messages by sending a selfie of him and Bruce claiming he was busy this weekend and didn't have time for anything else. 'A perfect weekend.' Peter thought to himself smiling.

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