BP - Right Place, Right Time.

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The idea for this one-shot, is from The Umbrella Academy. I suggest watching the show, it's an amazing Netflix Original. The show, of course, is based from Gerard Way's comic series, and I think they've done an amazing job with it.

Ship of the shot: BuckyxPeter, WinterSpider.

Warnings: Some of this one-shot will be sad/upsetting, but will end happy.

*There will be mentionings of the following; Blood, guns, fire, death, gore, bombs.*

If you have any triggers following those words, please do not read this.

Also not everything will be accurate to the marvel movies, marvel/TUA comics, or even TUA show.


Peter was going through his fathers thing, Tony's things. Peter thought it was finally time after his death that he'd sort through all of Tony's more, undeveloped items and inventions. Peter was going through his dads lab, him being the only one allowed in there anyhow he was able to quickly start sorting the stuff. An hour later he'd sorted most of Tony's items except for a few strange ones. The strangest being a suit case, "Why would dad have an old suitcase down here?" He asked himself in an empty room.

Peter unclipped the latches and opened it, with a quick burts of light and a zap he was gone from Tony'd lab. When Peter recovered from the bright light he looked around, "What the fuck?" A man said, looking at Peter, Peter looked back shocked, confused, and anxious to figure out what happened. He looked around, he was in a tent, small one, four men resided in the bunk. All of them tall and muscly, he didn't fit in, not even close. Another man came in and yelled at them to get ready to move.

The four men moved quickly and scrambled to get ready, Peter still had no idea but clothes were shoved in his face and he got ready too. He wasn't going to argue with One angry man, and four others on telling him what to do. He could here gun fire in the distance, it scared him to think where he was, but he pressed on. He tucked the suitcase in a safe place and they went on. Peter stepped outside and looked around after he got dressed. One of the men that were in the tent came back to him shoving a gun in his hands. Peter looked terrified, "Look I don't know where the hell you came from but you better get that look off your face. What's your name?" The man asked, Peter looked at him, "P-peter.." He said loud enough in his stutter for the man to hear.

The man nodded, "Alright Peter I'm James, people call me Bucky." He said and patted Peters shoulder. "We need to pack up and start going so pack all your stuff into this backpack and lets go." Bucky said and walked into the tent, Peter nodded and followed inside to put the suitcase and his clothes he got there in, into his new backpack. "Where ya from Peter?" Bucky asked Peter, looking at him from the other side of the cot. "Queens." He said, and this got an eyebrow raise from Bucky. "Hm, me too." He mumbled, Peter slowly nodded and they both finished up packing.

Some other soldiers broke down the temporary bases and they marched on, and on, and on. It seemed like years to Peter before they settled again, but it wasn't really much settling, or even much of a rest stop to their next position in the war. Bucky had stayed by Peter's side, and talked to him. Filling him in on all of Peter's questions. He even took back the gun he had given Peter seeing how uncomfortable it made the boy. The two seemed to become close and inseparable by the end of the night. The pair seeming to be as thick as thieves by the morning.

Peter seemed to be too trusting of the oddest types, but Bucky seemed to be trust worthy enough. Not as if Peter would be staying long, he'd stay until he figured out how that time machine suitcase worked. Soon Peter's time spent in the Hydra War era, with Bucky, turned into months. He called Bucky, James, instead because he claimed to like it better and Bucky seemed to be okay with it. Peter being the only one to really call him by his name was special, to both of them.

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