BP - Field Trips Are Gross, II

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Ship of the Shot: Winterspider, Bucky x Peter

Like I've said previously this one-shot (the ship) is legal as Peter is 17 in this.

Peak of FlashxPeter.


For Peter Tuesday went by too quickly, he got up with Bucky a little earlier to spend more time with him, they ate, and Peter got ready for school. The trip to school seemed longer than ever oddly enough, but alas he still got there and started his classes. The Decathalon team had a short meeting that day as well to go over rules and expectations of the field trip the nest day. They also used that time to give back their permission slips so Mr. Harrington could file them or what not.

Flash had been oddly quiet Tuesday, "Probably saving his energy to torture me tomorrow." Peter thought to himself on the way home. Peter did the same routine day in and day out it seemed like, get up, get ready, go to school, come home from school, hang out with friends, his family, and his boyfriend Bucky. Those were usually his three options for after school, at home, activities.

Ned and MJ usually visited weekends and they hung out in Peter's lab or with the Avengers. MJ only really being impressed with Pepper Potts, or Nat, usually spoke with them. Ned was usually all over the place talking to everyone and anyone that was there. Peter and the rest found it amusing that he'd be that excited still after two years of knowing them.

Bucky was sat on one of the couches reading a book, Peter smiled softly and walked over to Bucky, placing a soft kiss on the mans cheek. "Hey gorgeous, want to do something tonight?" Bucky asked his small lover, but Sam and Clint gagged from the other side of the room as they played games on their XBOX. Peter rolled his eyes and Bucky chuckled. "Let me finish up my homework and I'm all yours." He said and pecked Bucky's lips. Bucky had nodded and Peter had gotten to work on the coffee table he pulled over to them. Bucky's hand found it's way to Peter's back and slowly rubbed Peter's back gently, Peter had sighed contently at Bucky's soft touch and Peter finished his work a bit later.

Peter finished and put his things away, he turned to Bucky. "Do you want to patrol with me?" Peter asked, he hasn't been on patrol in a few days, Bucky already knows he's Spider-Man, and well Bucky needs to go out once in a while too. Bucky thought a moment before shrugging, "Okay, I'll see you in a minute." With that Peter and Bucky left desperate ways to get dressed, Bucky had a new outfit for going out on missions or patrolling, it was like his older one, black everything, but now he had even better stealth gear and tools to help him.

Peter and Bucky left together and came back together a few hours later with Bucky's insistence, that Peter needed to get some sleep. The boys made it back safely, and went to bed after having a meal together. They had missed dinner with the family, but eating together likr it was a date always seemed better to them both.

Peter woke up first, because of his personal AI, and grumbled pouting away and nuzzling into Bucky's side. Bucky chuckled, "Babe." He said half asleep, "Go get ready you know I'll see you in awhile anyway." He said to his gumpy boyfriend, Peter continued his mumbled so Bucky took it upon himself to make the smaller smile. Bucky kissed Peter, and that got the boy quiet and awake. Their kisses were always deemed too short in Peter's view but he got up anyway and did his morning routine.

By the time Peter was ready it was 7:30, Bucky always made for great distractions when getting ready. Peter left for school, and waited for his inevitable death that lied there. Happy got him there on time and he met with his team and favourite teacher Mr. Harrington. Flash held his tongue until the bus started moving and they were on there way to SI/AT which, Peter just came from. A bit redundant if you'd ask Peter, Happy just drove him from the tower to the school, now the school is bussing him back, then he'd be hussed back to the school just for Happy to come and get him from the school to go back to the Tower.

Peter was doing great ignoring Flash, by talking to Ned and MJ, that was until Flash had said, "Stop talking to your boyfriend already and just say you were lying Penis!" Peter tilted his head and looked around before looking at Flash who sat in the seat in front of him. "But Bucky isn't here?" He said without thinking, Flash smirked, "As if you actually had one, and Bucky? Like the Winter Soldier?" Peter nodded yes to the questions. "As if, get real Penis Parker you'd never be good enough for anyone." Flash sat back, before popping up again, "Also you should just come clean already everyone knows you're lying about this stupid internship and knowing the Avengers. It's lame you have to keep trying to get attention." He said and sat down. Peter sighed and Ned told him to brush it off, Peter only nodded, he knew Flash would be proven wrong soon enough.

The bus came to a halt in the parking lot on the side of the building, the teenagers, and their teacher got off and rounded to the front of the buildings main entrance. The teacher started to lead them inside and told them to wait in the sort of lounging area while he talked to one of the five receptionists. Peter couldn't hear what was being said even with his super hearing, there was too much bustling around, he figured he should add that to a list of what he needed training on and he'll talk to Tony later about it.

Soon Mr. Harrington returned with a small box and a dainty tour guide, Peter didn't know her, so he assumes she didn't know him. Peter didn't care to listen to either of the adults talking, not that he needed to pay attention anyhow. The tour security badges were handed out and everyone got one, even Peter, though he obviously didn't need it. The tour began and the small women started explaining the security system, then what their tour would be like. For security they had to go through a small but tight security section. All were let through and told that the scanner would immediately pick up their badge as they walked through.

When Peter walked through, that wasn't the case, FRIDAY picked up on his presence and said, "Hello Peter, should I let Mr. Stark, or Mr. Barnes know you've returned?" She asked, "No, no, it's alright, everyone knows I'm here anyhow." Peter said back in a short panic. "Of course, Peter." She responded, Ned and MJ were next to walk through and FRIDAY picked up on them too. "Hello Mr. Leeds, and Ms. Jones." The AI said, and they both returned responses. Flash was astounded, he walked up to Peter and whisper shouted in his face. "How did you do that? Who did you pay? Did you hack into here or something Penis Parker?" He stared Peter down and, Peter rolled his eyes. The group started to walk again and they began the tour, they first visited the gallery, and history museum for the Avengers, and Stark Industry. They even had a case for Spider-Man, it made Peter smile before Flash shoved him away to look at it.

After a few more hours, and looking at some labs that weren't being used they headed to lunch. Peter slipped away from the group to the elevator, Flash noticed and followed close behind. All Peter wanted to do was visit Bucky for lunch, but it seemed Flash was going to corner him for the truth. "So what is it Parker? Pay someone? Sleep with someone? Hack the systems? What? Because there's no way in hell that you would ever get a chance to be here if I couldn't." Flash had pushed poor Peter against the elevator wall with fists of Peter's shirt in his hands. What Peter didn't expect was for Flash to slam his lips against Peter's. Peter struggled to get away, not wanting to use is super strength and hurt Flash.

The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open. Taking Flash a moment before realizing that someone was standing there, he pulled back and almost shit his pants to see who was there, his mouth opening and closing like a finish out of water. Peter freaked out, "B-Bucky it's not what it looks like!" He tried to say more but was silenced by Bucky's harsh glare.

Part III will be coming soon!

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