QP - Just a Cold

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Peter catches a cold, before a mission with his boyfriend Starlord, and the rest of the Guardians.


Peter awoke as he usually did, to the soft whirling of the ship he had been traveling in with his boyfriend, Star Lord. Yet, this time his sense's seemed completely fogged, his nose stuffed, a scratchy throat, and a dull ache to the front of his skull. Peter let out a groan covering his eyes from there light. Quill had been awake prior and was getting dressed for the mission they were going on with the rest of the Guardians. Quill looked to his groaning boyfriend, he frowned watching Peter cover his head and eyes.

"What's wrong Bug?" Quill asked softly, tugging his shirt on and rounding to Peter's side of the bed.

"N-nothing, 'm fine." Peter mumbled hoarsely, sitting up carefully and whining as the dull ache began to throb, suddenly Peter then sneezed, then came the shiver down his spine as his body chilled from the cool morning air in the ship.

Quill hummed, "Lay back down Bug, I don't think you're going anywhere today. I don't think you're fine." Quill sat down on the edge of the bed helping the protesting Peter to lay back down in the warm bed.

"No, no we have that mission to do-" Peter whined as he was pushed back down, and re-tucked into the bed.

Quill gently ran his fingers through Peter's soft curls, smiling as Peter leaned into the touch. "I'll stay here too, it's not that big of a mission. All they need to do is escort Master Sof from one district to the next one. They won't need us for that," Quill paused, "Do you think it's just a cold?" Quill asked softly.

Peter pouted, nodded and sniffled his stuffy nose, "Mhm just a cold. I really wanted to go Quill."

Quill leaned down, pressing his lips against Peter's forehead, "Well you have a fever so we're definitely staying in Bug. I know you wanted to go but you are certainly sick and need to rest."

Peter let out a disagreeing sigh but stayed put in the bed nodding, any mission was important to Peter, and Quill knew that. The elder always hated seeing his boyfriend ill or in pain, even if he knew Peter could handle it on his own, that didn't mean he had to though.

"You're lucky my senses are disoriented or I would not be laying down still." Peter grumbled curling onto his side, while Quill let out a quiet chuckle.

"I know Bug, but you have to feel better before going on a mission, even if it's an easy one, now I will let them know we're staying here, I make you something to eat and we can go through the stations and find some sort of show for us to watch, sound good?" Quill asked petting through Peter's curls again.

Pete let out a hum first, then whimpering as his boyfriend's hand left his hair. Peter kept his eyes closed and listened to the steps of Quill walking out of their room. Peter waited patiently but sleep pulled him back in. Quill on the other hand spoke to Gamora, Nebula, Rocket, Groot, Drax, and Mantis about how Peter was feeling, explaining that they will go on with the mission and stick to the plan, giving Gamora the lead, sightly unwilling. The group agreed on the change, and they continued to ready for the mission while Quill moved on into the kitchen.

The new ship they got was a gift from Tony, a thanks for helping on different occasions to protect Earth, and definitely a way for Stark to keep eyes on his adopted son while he went on missions across the universe. At first Tony was nervous and set on "no" but the way Peter insisted, Tony was talked into letting him go along with the Guardians. Quill was very greatful for the spacecraft, and greatful to the team addition, unknowing the relationship that would spark with the Spiderling, soon after.

Quill, after scrounging around in the kitchen for possibly an hour after trying to find something Peter could actually eat while sick, he had finally whipped up some alien like version of oat meal, called Scolich. Quill added chunks of fruit into the scolich and an elixir to help with Peter's cold. Quill also grabbed one of the "Space Health" branded drinks they kept stocked on the ship. Quill brought the food and drink to Peter and smiled shaking his head at the curled Spiderling. He set down the bowl and drink down on Peter's bedside table. Quill sat down on the edge and gently rubbed Peter's arm.

"Wakey wakey my sleepy- and sick, Bug, I got you some food." Quill spoke softly, but just loud enough for his Spiderling boyfriend to hear and wake from his nap.

Peter stirred and rubbed his eyes, "Hm? Food?" Peter croaked softly, sitting up as Quill helped him.

Quill nodded, "Yeah baby, food, I got you Scolich and your favorite flavor of Space Health, Brazzle Bosh." Peter smiled, "Thank you."

Starlord gave Peter the bowl of Scolich before opening to Space Health drink, placing that back on the table.

Quill kissed Peter's temple, "Of course Love-Bug." He winked before moving away as Peter laughed shaking his head, then Quill rounded to his side of the bed and switched on the TV.

Quill got back into the bed wrapping an arm around Peter, waiting and letting Peter get comfortable before they started going through channels.

Peter took a spoonful of his Scolich and hummed softly closing his eyes, "It's perfect thank you." Peter mummered softly, he leaned up and pecked Quills cheek.

Quill returned the kiss on to Peters head, "I love you.." Quill whispered, said, for the first time, in their relationship of eight-months.

Peter froze with wide eyes before whipping his head up to face Quill, "I love you too!" Peter about squeaked it out, after all he was excited, he had been waiting an entire eight-months, four days, and with a quick glance to the clock, ten hours, thirty-four minutes and twenty-two seconds, for Quill to say those three words first.

Quill laughed softly, cupping Peters cheek, he leaned down and connected their lips. The pair kissed for a few minutes despite the chance of Peter passing on the cold, not that Quill really minded. The pair pushed away, Peter breathless, smiling and red, giggled softly as he nuzzled deeper into Quill's side, starting to nibble again on his Scolich. Peter turned into Quill and moved his legs crossed over Quill's as he looked at the screen.

"What do you want to watch?" Quill asked, remote in hand and already flipping through channels.

Peter looked up to the screen and shrugged slightly, "What about that one from the other day? With the detectives." He asked and looked back to Quill.

"Oh right, right the one where they were space right?" Quill asked, while scrolling through the guide

Peter nodded, "Yeah, yeah that one, it was pretty funny. It reminds me of the one from Earth that's like it." He laughed and took another bite.

Quill found the show after scrolling forever to find it, and selected it. Peter hummed softly as he adjusted the way he was sitting to be more upright so he could eat and watch the show.

"It'll be good to call home a little later, since we don't have that mission, and I'm sure Stark is worried about you." Quill poked at Peters side for his attention.

Peter looked over nodding, "I sent dad a message last night after you went to bed, I couldn't sleep for some reason, but after I sent it, I passed out. I'm sure he's responded by now."

Quill hummed, "That's good Bug." He smiled kissing Peters head again.

Peter smiled as well, he sighed contently before trying to take a few more bites of his Scolich before switching to his Brazzle Bosh, Space Health drink. Peter didn't know what the taste was supposed to be, but it tasted like raspberries, apples and cucumber, oddly he liked it though. Peter had finished most of the drink before setting it to the side again. Then grabbed for his phone, that Tony specially made for him. He had a few messages from MJ, and Ned of course but most importantly his dad.

Peter bit his bottom lip, "Do you think we could make a trip to Earth soon?" Peter asked with a crack in his voice, looking up to Quill with glossed eyes.

"Homesick Bug?" Quill asked sofly, receiving a nod from his Spiderling. "Alright love, we'll take a trip as soon as possible."

One-Shots About Peter Parker.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin