BP - The Date at the Library

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Ship of the Shot: BuckyxPeter, Winterspider

-Hint of ClintxPeter

Peter thinks he has a stalker at the library.


Peter once again was at the library, he usually always spent his time, if he wasn't at the lab, at school, or with the Avengers, but now he always gets this feeling that someones watching him. Of course it's his 'Peter Tingle' that goes off telling him he's being watched. Of course, Peter can defend himself if this person decides to attack him, but this has been going on for weeks, and it follows him, not just at the library. Peter sighed shaking his head and rubbing the nape of his neck. He was just trying to finish his work before his tingle had gone off once again. He looked around the large room and saw nothing, no one gave off any vibes or made his senses tingle. Peter's packed his things and walked around going around each section before finding the most closed off, quiet, and slightly dark section of the library. Pretending to look through the section before hiding around a corner. He heard quiet steps and waited till the person rounded the corner till Peter pushed them against the wall, once he saw who it was he tilted his head.

"Bucky?" He whispered seeing the man in front of him, Bucky groaned. "You're stronger than you look kid." Peter rolled his eyes and let go. "What the hell are you doing following me like that?" He asked Bucky shaking his head. "Tony asked me to keep an eye on you." Bucky lied, honestly embarrassed by his true reason. Peter raised an eyebrow, "Yeah sure, I'm not a kid anymore I'm 21, and I'm literally here studying for an engineering test next week Bucky. What's the real reason you've been following me." Peter asked seeing right through Bucky's lie. Bucky looked away, "I've been following you making sure you weren't with anyone." Bucky sighed, Peter was even more confused. "What do you mean?" Peter asked further stepping closer. Bucky sighed, "I mean, I'm stupid, and I'm seeing if your dating anyone Peter."

Peter sighed and shook his head. "You're ridiculous Bucky I'm not seeing anyone. I'm single. But why do you care Bucky?" Peter crossed his arms getting even closer, practically chest to chest. Bucky bit his lip and his hands making their way to Peter's waist. Bucky leaned down ans whispered in Peter's ear. "Because you're too blind to see who's in love with you." Bucky said softly, "MJ is head over heals for you, but she doesn't know, does she?" He asked, Peter gulped and shook his head. "N-no, but who else is in love with me Bucky?" He asked softly, and Bucky chuckled deeply. "All of the Avengers, and well me. You know they made a bet to see who could make you fall in love the fastest? They made a dirty bet to get you." He mumbled in Peter's ear, that's when Peter realized Bucky was right. They always did  the nicest things for Peter and flirted with him.

"And you bet too didn't you Bucky?" Peter asked trying to push him away, Bucky held tighter and shook his head. "Of course not, you're not some prize or trophy to be won Peter. You're not a toy either.  You're a man, not some boy in primary school, or middle school. The others are childish for thinking that you're something to be won or bought." Bucky mumbled and kissed Peter's temple pulling away. Peter's face was beet red and he stared at Bucky with wide eyes. "Well thank you for thinking that. It's because your old and you have better values." Peter teased Bucky, he wrapped his arms around Bucky's torso and looked up at him. "I wouldn't mind going on a date with you." He smiled nervously up to Bucky. Bucky smiled back and kissed Peter's forehead. "Well then, will you Peter Parker go on a date with me?" Bucky asked, and Peter giggled and nodded.

Bucky pulled away slightly, "Then tonight, wear something nice, not too fancy though." He said, "I'll see you at 7 Doll." Bucky smiled and left before Peter, Peter stood leaning against the wall and closed his eyes biting his lip. He couldn't believe that Bucky wanted to wanted to go on a date with him. Peter shook his head, Peter wanted to finished studying so he stayed back. Around 5 p.m. Peter left to go back to the tower taking the subway, which of course took forever. Peter got home and he went to his floor, but stopped when he saw Clint standing there. "Um hey, Clint what's up?" He asked walking in and setting his bag on his table. Clint hummed, "Well I was wondering if you'd like to see a movie with me tonight?" Clint asked getting close to Peter, Peter continued to step back as Clint walked closer. "Um actually I'm pretty busy tonight. I have plans." Peter said looking away.

Clint cornered Peter and hummed, "What's so important that you can't hang out with me?" He said smoothly and smirked. "I have a date." Peter said quickly and Clint's smirk dropped and his eyes darkened. "With who?" He asked with a small growl. "None of your business Clinton now leave me alone. I have to get ready." Peter huffed pushing Clint away using some of his strength. Clint sighed, "Peter I didn't mean to make you upset babe. I just want to know who's taking you away from me." Clint said reaching for Peters hand, he grabbed Peter's hand and held Peter's waist. "Clint please let go I'm not your anything." Peter sighed trying to get away, The elevator dinged, Clint leaned forward to kiss Peter, and Peter leaned away. "Clint stop it." He cried closing his eyes. The next thing Peter knew he was pushed back, and Bucky was yelling at Clint to leave Peter alone. Peter watched the two bicker and fight, before rollingnhis eyes and leaving to his room to get ready for his and Bucky's date.

Soon Peter was dressed in slacks, and a nice dress shirt that was short sleeve, he left his room and saw Bucky and Clint still fighting. He cleared his throat and they both stopped and stared. "Wow." They both said softly, Peter smirked, Bucky was already dressed for their date and was similar to Peters outfit. Peter smiled and walked to Bucky, "Ready?" He smiled and bit his lip seeing Clints expression from the corner of his eye, Clint was very, upset to say the least that Bucky was the one who was taking Peter on a date. Bucky nodded, "Yes, let's go." Bucky held on to Peter's hand and they left, leaving a shocked Clint. Clint left upstairs to tell everyone else about Peter's date with Bucky, and Bucky left with Peter to their date. Their date was a 40's themed dance held at the library. Peter smiled, "This is so cute." He smiled seeing it, Bucky paid for their tickets. They got inside and the Library looked way different than it had just hours before, lots of shelves closed off other parts of the library and were pushed out of the way, just like the shelves. The place was cutely decorated, there were snacks and drinks on some tables, and a band playing music. Bucky smiled, "This is one of my favorite songs." He pulled Peter along and they started dsncing quickly. It took Peter a little longer to get used to the dancing style but it was easy for Bucky.

The night was filled with compliments to the young couple by a few older ones, dancing, and laughs. Peter had an amazing night with Bucky. Sadly the night ended and they were headed back to the tower. "You're right Bucky.." Peter mumbled softly, "About what Doll?" Bucky asked as they were in the elevator. "About the rest of the guys. I don't think they're in love with me, I think they just want in my pants." Peter sighed, "You.. Want to get in my pants too, don't you? I mean of course you do why wouldn't you? I mean if the rest do why not you?" Peter sighed rubbing his face, Bucky stared with soft eyes and frowned, he cupped Peter's cheeks and made him look up. "Baby boy, it's far from that. I thought you knew that darling. I thought me, taking you on a date would show you that. But if you need more time to trust me I'll make sure you know that." Bucky said, Peter's eye's filled tears as he smiled, he put his hand over Bucky's hand. "Thank you Bucky. You're so sweet." He whispered, he kissed Bucky's cheek and hugged Bucky. They got to Peter's floor and Peter invited Bucky in. "I'll change and we can watch a movie." He smiled and went into his room and Bucky stayed out looking through Peter's movie collection. Peter returned in pajama pants and a t-shirt. "Pick one out?" He asked Bucky, he nodded. It was The Princess Bride. Peter put it in and the cuddled on the couch. Peter smiled to himself as they stayed close together.


One-Shots About Peter Parker.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora