Ballerina - BP

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Soulmate Song AU

BuckyxPeter - WinterSpider

Ballerina by Jeremy Shada

Peter had picked up ballet at the age of 17, his favorite song to dance to was his Soulmate song, Ballerina. Now being 20 and living in Avengers tower with the rest of the Avengers, Tony had given Peter his own studio. What happens when his soulmate finds him dancing and singing to this song.

Peter had woken early, with a shiver up his spine, he was itching to dance today. He smiled happily and got dressed in his usual dance attire. He left his room to the kitchen, Bucky chuckled.

"Dance this early Peter?" The elder asked watching Peter grace his way into the kitchen.

Peter hummed, he grabbed an apple and a small mug.

"Woke up with an itch," Peter explained pouring sugar and cream into the mug.

Peter pushed his mug to Bucky who filled it with coffee since, Bucky was in the way of the pot.

"An itch to dance?" Bucky asked putting the pot back, Peter nodded.

"Feels like it's going to be a good day." Peter smiled, "Train later?" Peter asked looking over his shoulder, not that is was really a question, since the pair often trained together.

Bucky nodded, and Peter disappeared into the elevator and pressed the button down to his studio.

The first thing Peter did was sit in front of the large windows looking over the city. Peter ate his apple and drank his coffee all while looking through his social media and texting his friends. Once the young man finished he got up, threw his apple core in the bin, and walked to his small stereo wall turning on his music. Pete then did his stretches before getting lost in the music that he was playing.

Time always seems to fly by when Peter dances. Hours later as the the young man continued to dance, he hadn't noticed the Winter Soldier standing in the corner. Bucky watched Peter move gracefully with the the music. Peter moved like silk in the wind, Bucky had always thought that Peter was amazing at absolutely everything.

This also being really the first time Bucky has seen Peter get so lost in the music. Bucky smiled watching the other practically float around dancing. The song that was playing had finally stopped, but before Bucky could do anything another song began to play.

The tune was soft, and familiar to Bucky. Soft guitar filled the air. Then a voice followed.

"Blue-eyed ballerina
God only knows how much I need ya
From day one, I knew you were the one
Gimme your hand, and I'll give you mine
You're the reason I look forward to coming home at night"

Bucky listened and stood still, his brows started to furrow together.

Bucky watched as Peter danced, the song becoming fuller, and Peter elegantly moved with every beat that gained.

"What's the point of sleep if it's not with you?
Your lipstick on my cheek looking like a tattoo
My ballerina, sway me side to side
All I need is a little love and care tonight
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
Woah-ooh, oh-oh-oh, mmm-mmm-mmm"

Peter continued to flow through the song, this time Bucky noticed Peter singing along with the song.

"God is an artist
He put you on display
A masterpiece in motion, more beautiful every day
Gimme your love, and I'll give you mine
You're the reason I tell my friends I'm busy tonight"

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