SP - "Problem Officer?"

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Steve x Peter

Peter had irresponsible 'friends' dragging him to alcohol fueled parties that always seem to be broken up by the police, while his 'friends' that always seem to leave him behind.


Peter wasn't always a 'bad' kid, growing up he always followed rules to a 'T' not wanting to upset his peers around him. But after Peter's aunt had passed, he fell into the wrong crowd, wanting an escape from the everyday.

Peter's new 'friends' dragging him to underage alcohol and marijuana filled parties. Peter partook sometimes, only after being pressured by the people he called 'friends.'

One night in particular Peter had been, of course, dragged along by his 'friends' to another party. It had gotten quite out of hand as the cops were called.

The friends scattered, as well as everyone else, Peter unexpectedly quite drunk couldn't pull himself away from looking at the chaos. A cop walking up to him.

"Hey kid, alright? Drink too much tonight?" The man asked, causing Peter to look up at him.

"You're tall... And hot.." Peter slurred slowly blinking through his lashes.

The man chuckled softly, "Okay kid, let's get you home."

"I'm not a kid." Peter pouted as the man walked him to the patrol car. "I'm eighteen." Peter slurred proudly.

"What's your name then Mr. Eighteen?" Steve asked looking down at the teen.

"Peter." He mumbled looking up at the man again, cool blue toned stared back.

"Okay, Peter, let's get you in the car." Steve shook his thoughts away as they got to the patrol car.

"Not the back seat." Peter whined softly, staring at the evil looking bars on the windows.

"No, no, you can sit up front with me Peter." Steve wasn't sure why but he liked the way the teens name rolled of his tongue.

"What's yours then?" Peter slurred squeezing onto the mans arm.

"Officer Rogers."

"That's awful for one, and two not what I meant." Peter rolled his eyes.

Steve chuckled again, helping Peter into the passenger side of the car, then got in himself.

"You're still a kid, and shouldn't be getting drunk like this." Steve spoke shaking his head with disapproval.

Peter rolled his eyes, "What do you know? I'm on my fucking own. Makes me an adult doesn't it?" Peter crossed his arms now upset.

The bearded man sighed, "Okay, well where do you live? So you get home safe."

Steve knew a lot of the kids in this city had it rough, he just hated seeing it, or hearing about it.

" 'Cus you care sooo much." Peter leaned his head back against the seat, closing his eyes.

"Over on Kingsten Avenue. Between fifty-eighth and fifty-ninth." He grumbled as Steve didn't speak.

Steve was surprised he understood the teen. He put in the slightly cryptic address and started driving toward the street Peter said he lived on.

Steve looked over at the teen sighing softly.

"You don't seem like the kid to go to parties." Steve stated, looking back at the road.

Peter scoffed, "Yeah? Shows what you know. You just picked me up from one."

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