BP - Field Trips Are Gross, I

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Peter Parker goes on the worst, best, field trip of his life.

Ship of the shot: Winterspider, BuckyxPeter.

Peter is 17 in this, so yes it's legal, by law in New York the age of consent is 17. If it makes you uncomfortable do not read.


The day started normal for Peter, he woke up in his large fully decorated, room in the Avengers Tower. Peter had moved in after May's passing, he was absolutely heart broken and the Avengers were there for him, and were the most supportive family he could ask for, next to May of course.

His AI, Karen, woke him, 6:30 a.m. on the dot like every week day to get him ready for school. It was a lovely October Monday morning and Peter may have stayed up a little too late the night before. Peter groaned tiredly and got up to his walk in closet, Tony insisted on new clothes for the boy, no matter how much peter refused.

Peter put on a pair of black skinny jeans, with rips, a graphic tee with some corny science joke on it, and a white and black flannel. He put on socks and converse after and pushed on into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and fixed what he could of his mop he called hair. He grabbed his things and went to the kitchen and was met with Sam, Bucky, and Clint talking around the table all with a coffee in hand or on the table.

He hummed a good morning and grabbed an apple to go, he'd be late if he sat and chatted with them. He took too long picking clothes out, he blamed Tony for that. He winked at Bucky before rounding the table to get closer to all three of them and ruffled all of their hair, well, not really Sam. No, he flicked Sam and took off running out to the elevator giggling. "Damit Peter!" He yelled after him, but was too late to catch the boy. Bucky and Clint were laughing to themselves quietly at the teenagers antics.

They all loved having Peter around he was quite the joy-bringer around the tower. After catching his breath Peter made it down to the parking garage and met Happy. "Morning Happy." Peter smiled getting in, Happy nodded and started the drive to Midtown High. After a while Peter's phone buzzed, he took it out and smiled, a text from Bucky.

Bucky: That wasn't very nice Peter tsk tsk.

Pete laughed softly and shrugged to himself. He didn't respond to the message from his boyfriend but went on. Soon he arrived to school and went to his classes. He didn't have much of a problem with Flash today which was good but his Decathalon meeting was another thing. His day went by as quickly as it started, but this meeting seemed to be killing him. Mr. Harrington drowned on and on about some field trip they were going on this week, and how hard it was to get it. Peter sighed softly, that was before his eyes widened in shock as Mr. Harrington let out five words that made Peter want to disappear. "Stark Industies-slash-Avengers Tower!" He had done a drum roll of sorts before saying the surprised trip location.

Flash stood up, "You're going down Parker!" He yelled laughing. No one believed that he was an intern still, not with Flash feeding them some sort of bullshit. Peter sunk in his seat and Mr. Harrington tried to settle Flash and hand out permission slips. "Get these signed tonight we go Wednesday, and yes for the whole day." Soon everyone had a slip, and started to leave the auditorium/gym where they had their meeting.

Peter sighed and left finding Happy around the corner of the school. He held the slip in his hands and stared at it. "Wednesday, the 16th of October at 8 a.m. the Midtown High Decathalon team will be taking an all day trip to Stark Industries/Avengers Tower to have a tour. The team will say till 3:40 and return to the school by 4:30 for pickup. SI will provide lunch in their cafeteria." The page read, there was three lines on the paper at the bottom, one for the date, the name of the student, and the parent or guardian.

Peter sighed and leaned back closing his eyes. Soon he was home, he rode the elevator to the top floor where him and his family stayed. He put his bag by the door and put the slip on the fridge for Tony to sign, he dragged himself to his room where Bucky laid on his bed. Peter wasn't surprised, this was normal for Bucky to be laying in his bed when got home. Bucky smiled, and Peter returned with one and climbed into bed laying half way on top of Bucky and sighed.

"Hey doll, what's wrong?" Bucky asked softly playing with Peter's curls. Peter leaned and kissed Bucky's cheek. "Just Flash.. And on Wednesday I have a field trip with my team.. Here..." He finished softly drawing patterns and shapes into Bucky's shirt. The soldier sighed and kissed the top of Peter's head, he knew Pete didn't like talking about this stuff, and although he knew Pete liked how protective he was, he also knew that Pete would get upset if he caused a scene.

"I don't see why you won't let any of us help you baby. You know we love you and just want to help." Bucky reasoned, but Pete only nodded. Pete shifted till he was on top of Bucky. "I know, James... I just rather be the bigger person. I don't want someone else to be in the same spot I am in." Peter responded, and Bucky sighed. Bucky always admired Peter for being that way. Bucky cupped Peters cheeks in his hands the cool metal contrasting to the warmth of his other hand. Pete leaned down and pecked Bucky's lips.

The pair hadn't been dating long, only four months, but they'd known each other longer than that, two years. Never once did Bucky cross any lines or ever do wrong to Peter, and only recently Bucky was okay with kissing. Peter liked that about Bucky, he always waited for Peter to be ready.

Peter pressed his forehead against Bucky's and sighed. They stayed close for a bit till it was dinner time. "Come on James." He smiled to the older man, and got up. Steve was cooking something and it smelled amazing whatever it was. Pete pulled Bucky along to the dining room, which branched from the Kitchen.

The large, dysfunctional, family had a dinner filled with laughter, teasing, jokes, and most of all Peter trying to convince the team not to come and embarrass him or rip Flash apart on the field trip Wednesday. The only one who didn't reluctantly agree was Bucky. He wouldn't agree to that. Peter gave up that night and they all went to bed after a few more hours of whatever they were doing.

It was almost midnight, Bucky and Peter laid in bed together still talking. "Please James?" He pleaded, "No Peter I'm not letting him get away with this." He said for the nth time. Pete sighed knowing Bucky would win. "Nothing too dramatic please?" He changed his saying giving in to Bucky. "We'll see." He shrugged and Peter groaned. "Fine. No one else but you. Got it?" He squinted, and Bucky agreed to that.

Part II coming soon!

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