CP - "It's you and I-"

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"not, I and you, dumb ass."

Ship of the Shot: ClintxPeter


Peter's day started like any other, an AI that his adoptive father, Tony Stark, had made woke him. "Peter it's time to wake up, it's 9:30 a.m. and Mr. Stark is waiting for you in the lab. Make sure to grab something to eat on the way, he says. Oh and, Mr. Barton has returned." FRIDAY said waking Peter, he groaned and rubbed his eyes. His heart beat a little faster at the mention of his boyfriend, but he composed himself. "Thanks FRIDAY." He mumbled getting up, Peter got dressed in his usual geeky shirt, his flannel, jeans, his shoes. After getting dressed he brushed his teeth and did his business after. Yawning every little while before he left his room.

He went to the kitchen to grab something before his "Peter Tingle" had started to go off, before he had time to react, two arms wrapped around his waist, he wss ready to beat the hell out of them till that someone kissed over his neck. His senses also relaxed when his nose was filled with the cologne of the person who owned the arms, and the kisses. It was Clint, of course it was. He sighed, "You scared the fucking shit out of me Clint, you asshole." Peter grumbled turning to Clint, and he hit Clints shoulder, but Clint only laughed softly. "Now let me go before anyone walks in and finds us you know no one likes it." He mumbled trying to get away from Clint.

Clint rolled his eyes, "You know he isn't going to see babe, and you and I both know we don't care about the team seeing us, I haven't seen you in three aq6$, please?" Clint said knowingly, not it was Peter's turn to roll his eyes, "No, dad could come up and see, and plus I'm mad at you. You didn't even say good-bye to me when you left." Peter pouted, and Clint sighed, "Baby boy, I know, I'm sorry." Clint sighed softly and tried to hug Peter tighter. "I missed you too Clint, but that doesn't mean I've changed my mind in two seconds about being upset with you." Peter mumbled still trying to move away from him. Clint sighed and let go, he sat on the counter next to Peter. "I know you're mad baby, but I'm sorry. It was a last minute mission thing and I didn't have time to say anything." Clint tried to reason, "But you didn't even send me a text, or even called me Clinton Francis Barton. Nothing. Not a word from anyone you were with, or from you." He crossed his arms upset. Peter only used Clint's whole name when he was really upset with him. Clint looked away, seemingly defeated and bit his lip.

Peter sighed shaking his head and started up breakfast. "Have you had breakfast, yet?" He asked Clint, and Clint shook his head, "I haven't eaten, I just got back in though." Clint responded and Peter nodded. "I'll make some breakfast for us and we can talk. I'm still mad though." He mumbled pointedly, then continued on with making their breakfast. "FRIDAY, tell dad that I'll be awhile." Peter said to the ceiling, and FRIDAY responded with an 'Okay Peter.' Soon Peter was finished breakfast for them. "Here, we'll just eat this in our, my, room." Peter said cleaning up the mess he made and picked up both plates. Clint bit his lip, and followed Peter, then getting to their, Peter's, room and stepping inside. Peter set the plates on the side table and waited for Clint to sit down before giving him a plate. Peter had made a basic breakfast of eggs, toast, and sausage nothing to extravagant but something that was quick and easy.

"So this mission? Why can't you tell me that you were leaving and why couldn't you text me while you were gone?" Peter asked muching on his piece of toast. Peter usually didn't beat around the bush when he wanted questions answered. Clint started feel guilty and looked away from Peter. "I had asked Nat if there was a any missions that needed an extra body, and she said yeah, so I left with her." He shrugged, but he wasn't telling the whole truth and Peter could see that. Peter sighed and put his plate back on his bed side table and got up. He was feeling slightly sick, thinking the worst of the situation.

"Forget it Clinton." He mumbled and started to walk away. "Babe don't be like this." Clint grabbed Peter's wrist to stop him, but Peter pulled away. "This isn't even the first time you've left without saying anything. Or lied to me about what's happening. Are you cheating on me? Am I not good enough anymore? You don't ever let me use your phone anymore. You changed your password twice. You're cheating on me, aren't you..? With Nat right? Of course you are. You're always leaving with her. Why would you..?" Peter asked, his voice cracking softly and he sniffled softly.

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