WP - The Blind Date

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Peter ends up on a blind date with an unexpected vigilante.

W; Smut at the end

Peter starred blankly at MJ who sat across from him, "Peter, just go, it's a blind date! how bad could it be?"

"MJ we don't even know what this guy looks like? How could you actually set me up on a date with him?" Peter shook his head, biting his bottom lip.

"You're twenty-two Peter, you are also, you know who. You can take care of yourself. Just go. I worked hard to set this up." She looked around the cafe.

"He put an ad in the paper. You only called him." Peter sighed softly, looking out the window of the shop.

"Peter, please. If you needed you can kick his ass. What's the worst that can happen Peter?" MJ leaned over the table, "I just want you to meet someone Peter. Will you please just go?"

Peter sighed, nodding, "Fine. I'll go. But if this ends up a waste of time, I will be very upset MJ. So when is it? What do I wear?" He asked now looking at MJ.

MJ smiled devilishly, "Tonight. At eight, at Canjo's diner. Nothing formal." Then MJ got up, "Eight o'clock sharp. Canjo's diner. Got it?"

Peter groaned but nodded, with that MJ left poor Peter to mope for awhile. After a bit Peter left, going home to mentally prepare for a guaranteed disaster of a date. By 7:30 Peter had showered, changed his clothes fourteen times, and thought about backing out of the blind date several more times. Then before he knew it Peter was at the diner and it was 7:55. He looked around inside, couples, a few families, and of course people sitting by themselves. But, Peter didn't know who he was looking for, then someone tapped Peter's shoulder.

Peter jumped and turned to see a man, he was wearing gloves, a black face mask, sunglasses and a hoodie. Peter furrowed his eyebrows looking at the man.

"Peter? The man asked, Peter recognized the voice but couldn't place it.

"Uh yeah, and you?" Peter asked, unsure if this was some villain or, his date.

"I'm Wade, Wade Wilson. Sorry I'm so covered up, my appearance is less than settling, and now I'm really thinking you're out of my league." Wade laughed with his hand on his head as he leaned back slightly.

Peter definitely knew that laugh, still unsure of who to place it to. Yet, he started to feel oddly relaxed around the man, like Peter knew him.

"Honestly looks aren't important, and I'm not sure about league I'm pretty nerdy." Peter laughed softly shaking his head, "You sound familiar.. but I'm not sure why." He added looking at the man.

"Y'know I was going to say the same thing, crazy stuff." Wade shook his head smiling, though the mask covered it. "Should we go in?" Wade asked, gesturing to the dinner doors.

Peter smiled nodding, "Yes please, I'm feeling much better." He sighed, more content than anything.

Wade nodded too, and lead the way inside. Wade walked to the back corner of the diner and slid into a booth. Peter slid in on the other side.

"Aren't you hot in all that?" Peter asked softly leaning over the table a bit.

Wade shrugged, "I've gotten used to it, it also keeps the stares down to a minimum." He said glancing around the diner.

A young woman came up to the table, "How are you two tonight?" She asked, between them they both said 'good' "I'm Tracy, I'll be your server then, what would you like to drink?"

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