IP - Peter's Biggest Prank

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Peter, a very lucky 20 year old who's dating the Billionair, PlayBoy, Philanthrophist, Tony Stark, wanted to have a little fun before introducing himself to the rest of the Avengers.


"I want you to meet them." Tony said suddenly, Peter furrowed his eyebrows.

"I have met them?" He responded curiously, but Tony shook his head.

"As Spider-Man, I meant as yourself, Pete." Tony chuckled softly, leaning down and kissing Peter's head.

The two were on Peter's couch in his apartment, watching Starwars, cuddled together.

"Oh, I mean yeah, I'd love to, but I have this idea, listen this is crazy." Peter sat up suddenly excited, which caused Tony's curiousity for his boyfriend's idea to peak up.

"Okay, yeah, what is it?" Tony asked, wondering what the young male would say next.

"So I've been wanting to do this big massive prank- and it's like- I want you to pretend that you have no idea what's going on- right?"

"I don't yet." Tony interjected.

"Babe shut up, so I just pop up randomly around the tower, and disappear like I'm some ghost. I wanna see how long it takes before everyone's freaked out." Peter finished.

Tony stared at his boyfriend, amazed and totally in love, he would love to freak out the group.

"God I am so in love with you. You are perfect." Tony shook his head still amazed, Peter blushed darkly, also surprised Tony wanted to go with it.

"Okay so we definitely need a plan, because Clint's always in the vents, right?" Peter asked tilting his head, Tony nodded.

"I'll have Friday track his patterns, this has to be perfectly done." Tony was getting excited now by the idea.

So with that, the two planned out the best possible routes for Peter, easy pop up spots, hide away spots, and ways to get around Clint. It took two days before the plan was being set in motion and Peter started popping up all over the tower and freaking out the Avengers.

First, Natasha noticed the elevator kept opening without anyone waiting inside or outside, Tony said he'd check it out, but he didn't need to. Then random doors would open and close on their own. Lastly Peter would pop up in moments. Bucky double took his reflection in the training room, thinking he'd seen another person. Clint swore he heard a laugh in the vents behind him as well. Even catching glimpses of curled mop brown hair pass swiftly under the vent openings. Steve had seen Peter as the young male turned a corner, Steve quickly took down the same corner only to find the hall and the two rooms in it empty. Then Natasha was in the kitchen, she grabbed an apple and turned around, and Peter was standing there. Nat dropped the apple, looking down for a split second then back up and Peter was gone. Peter almost fell from the ceiling trying not to laugh as he moved to a different part of the tower while Nat freaked out looking in every direction.

With Banner, Peter only liked to move his tools around slightly. Replacing one with another in a different spot. Banner has gotten a few glimpses of Peter but nothing close up and personal, seeing as Banner was his favorite Avenger other than Tony. Thor wasn't so lucky, his pop tarts always ended up missing and he could always feel something just barely touch his hair every once in a while. Thor thought it was his brother Loki messing with him in the after life, but after catching a glimpse of the curly headed boy just in his peripheral made him think otherwise.

Then Steve, Bucky, and Clint were sitting on the couch, in the living room, they were watching some show before the screen blacked out for a second, standing there the young male. The three older men turned their heads so fast, Peter thought they got whiplash, but they were too late to see Peter disappear. Peter has never heard three grown men scream before, he almost pissed himself laughing about it with Tony later as they watched the footage from Friday. After a few more days of threats to Tony, the ruse was up, only in the best way possible.

Tony walked into the kitchen with Peter slightly behind him. With wide eyes the other Avengers looked up. It was a riot of screams, then yells. Peter covered his ears and winced slightly at the noise.


"Woah woah woah, what are you talking about?" He asked, "Behind me? Who's behind me?" Tony turned and saw Peter, he turned back around and looked at the group. "Oh you mean Peter?" He asked, another riot causing Peter to cover his ears again.


"Hey shush it!" Tony snapped noticing Peter the second time, "Hey hey it's okay." He mouthed, his hands over Peter's, both sets falling together, uncovering Peter's ears.

"Okay, one more time," Tony faced the group, pulling Peter next to him, "This is Peter, my boyfriend. You've also already met him, as Spider-Man." Tony chuckled.

"Is that how the little shit disappeared so fast?" Bucky grumbled shaking his head.

At first the rest of the Avengers were a bit angry like Bucky, but after getting to know Peter they all quickly adored the young genius and his spider abilities. Eventually the Spiderling moved into the tower as well. The prank wars started then too, little things at first, then eventually leading to a full on prank war, just between Thor, Clint and Peter though. The rest of the Avengers seemed to have enough of the pranking before Peter even moved in. Then of course poor Tony had to fix things left and right from Clint and Thor trying to make something explode in Peter's face. None of it worked, and Peter was always left the winner. At one point Peter had made a web bomb that went off when Thor opened his box of pop tarts, causing the god to fall backwards on top of Clint trapping them both in the webbing for an hour because no one could stop laughing long enough to get the webbing off.

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