"-Please be mine?"

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Steve x Peter

Alpha Steve and Omega fem!Peter

Peter, new in town, new to school, and not a fan of alpha jocks.

TW: Slurs, strong language


Peter smacked the alarm as it blared in his precious eardrums. '6:30' Peter sighed as he got up, his feet hitting the carpeted floor. Peter took his suppressants, he didn't need them, but for the sake of his own sanity, and not wanting to attract any Alphas. Peter started to get ready for the first day of another new school, it wasn't his fault, the Alphas were pricks at the last school.

Peter filled in his eyebrows, added a sheer glitter to his lids, and added mascara. Putting on a soft pink sweater, and black skirt, he matched it with long black socks and flats. Looking in the full length mirror he decided it was good enough. Peter then grabbed his bag, walking into the kitchenette where Aunt May was making breakfast.

"Hey morning Petey," She smiled, scraping eggs onto a plate. She set the plate across the bar, and Peter sat.

"Morning Aunt May." Peter sighed, "Do I really have to go?" He asked grumbling as he stabbed a piece of egg, then eating it.

May laughed softly, "Yes Peter, now eat up, you only have ten minutes before you have to go." May reminded Peter.

Peter hummed, picking around the plate of food, then downed the glass of orange juice May had poured for him. He went and brushed his teeth, kissed May's cheek saying 'goodbye' to her as he left, making sure to grab the keys and helmet for his moped. Peter rushed down the stairs of the apartment building and hopped on the scooter when he made it outside.

The trip was easier than the last school Peter had gone to, thankfully. He went straight for 15 blocks, right, then 20. Peter hated how big Queens was sometimes, sometimes. Peter was more glad to be away from his last school, Alphas taunting him all the time, that's why Peter had started the suppressants in the first place.

Peter finally arrived at his school, Midtown High, Peter grimaced, parking in the farthest spot in the parking lot. Peter put in an earbud, playing music as he started across the parking lot. Peter kept his head low, ignoring all the stares of others looking at the 'new kid' slash 'femboy' who was walking past them. Peter had made it into the building before the real chaos started.

"Hey fem fag!" Some Alpha, Peter presumed.

'Great.' He thought, as he tried to keep walking towards the office. But it wasn't enough, the Alpha grabbed Peter pushing him into a set of lockers.

"I was talking to you, omega!" The Alpha yelled in his face.

Peter huffed, "So? I don't want to talk to you. Leave. Me. Alone." Peter tried shoving the Alpha, but he only got more angry with Peter.

"Stupid fuckin Omega." The Alpha cursed.

He raised his hand, Peter winced away, but the hit, the pain never came, Peter opened his eyes, seeing a tall blonde, another Alpha. This Alpha was holding onto the others arm, preventing the hit.

"Flash, what the fuck?" The Alpha yelled, "Get out of here you dumb fucking idiot." The Alpha continued to snap, at Flash.

Peter hasn't had this happen, an Alpha has never defended Peter before, it had made his stomach flutter, that has never happened either. Peter watched as the Alphas argued back and forth, before the blonde had eventually won causing, Flash, to run off. Peter flinched as the blonde reached for him. The blonde retreated his hand quickly.

"So sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm Steve." The blonde Alpha introduced himself, shyly, which was odd for Peter.

Peter looked the Alpha up and down, nodded. "Peter." He said curtly and walked off.

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