IP - Explosive, pt. 1

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Peter is sent to prison, for Murder, Tony Stark, the man himself already locked in a cell. The two talk through vents before Tony suddenly gets relocated to Peter's cell.

Tony still gets what he wants.


A young 20 year old Peter Parker was getting sent to Max Security for a crime that he didn't do, as Spider-Man. Over the year of the trials, his gaze had grown cold as if any feeling had dissipated from him. Peter looked around the room he was being held in, the walls resembled a mental hospital, walls white and void of anything. He sighed softly, he felt himself being pushed from behind. He stumbled forward and began to walk once again. Guards yelling through the halls to open gates and to close them behind Peter. Peter and the guard continue to walk for what seemed to be forever before they had reached an empty max containment cell. Peter was pushed in and the cell slammed from behind him.

The collar around his neck was tight and itched terribly, the collar also was able to contain his powers, he felt weak with the thing strapped to his throat. Peter growled and kicked the disgusting metal toilet, and sink. Peter closed his eyes sitting on the bed that was part of the cell itself. Cinderblock platform with an insanely thin mat and covers. Another cement platform bed on the other side, he was lucky enough to not have a cell mate, for now at least. What seemed like hours later, rather than actually having been four or five minutes, he heard a soft, "Hello?" Peter thought he was hearing things so rather than responding the man just let the voice be, the voice and other plans.

"Hey- You're new in here right? I heard the door with how hard it slammed. Though the doors always slam." The voice spoke, Peter looked around and saw a vent. Peter stepped to the vent against the right wall and sat down.

"I'm not going crazy already am I?" He asked into the vent, Peter heard a soft chuckle, he could practically see the man shaking his head.

"Not crazy, yet.. Maybe I'm the crazy one." The voice hummed softly, "I'm Tony, Tony Stark." The voice, Tony said.

Peter's face paled, "The Tony Stark? What did you even do to get in here? There's nothing online, everyone thought you disappeared..." Peter responded, that last of his words trailing off slightly.

Another chuckle from the vent, "Of fucking course they buried the story. How do you tell the world the leading weapons contractor suddenly stopped making weapons for the government because he found out they were selling to the other side. Then how he ends up in prison with false charges to get me out of the way." Tony said through the vent, there was another sigh from the vent.

"So that's what happened? Instead of letting you control your own company, they voted you out and the most discreet way they got rid of you was on false charges?" Peter asked from his side, a hum escaped the vent with agreement.

"Well, pretty much actually, and the fact I still have, my money I could have cleared my name." This time it was Peter's turn to hum.

"What are you in for kid? What's your name?" Tony asked, Peter chuckled dryly, he knew he'd get asked soon enough.

"Murder. Though, I didn't do it. Framed. And -uh Peter, Peter Parker." Peter spoke slowly, another hum came through the small spaced vent.

"So Peter, they have you here in a max security prison for people with, quote, unquote abilities? What are you a mutant or something?" Tony asked from the other side, Peter nodded a bit though he felt a bit stupid for it, "Spider mutation." Peter muttered just loud enough.

"Wait- do you look like a spider then? Like with actual mutations?" Tony asked, seeming a bit excited and disgusted by the thought of Peter looking like some monster.

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